Société anonyme au capital de 8 813 860,00 euros
Immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le n°394 648 216
Représentant légal : Monsieur Philippe Zaouati
Siège social : 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris
Tél : 33 (0) 1
Siret : 394 648 216 00056
Activité Principale Exercée (APE) : 7022Z- Conseil pour affaires et autres conseils de gestion
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova est une société de gestion de portefeuille agréée par l’Autorité des marchés financiers sous le n°GP 02014, en date du 26 août 2002
Coordonnées de l’Autorité de régulation :
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02
Directeur de publication : Philippe Zaouati, Directeur Général
Responsable de la rédaction : Philippe Zaouati, Directeur Général,
Hébergeur : ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova est un affilié de Natixis Investment Managers
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S'il apparaît néanmoins que des informations publiées contiennent des erreurs ou que des informations attendues sur ce site font défaut, Mirova s'engage à régulariser dès que possible cette situation après avoir été avisée de ces imperfections.
Pour nous faire part d’éventuelles erreurs : communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Les informations (données, graphiques et documents) contenues dans ce site, bien qu’issues de sources fiables, ne constituent en aucune façon un conseil d’investissement. Aussi, la consultation de ce site est effectuée sous votre entière responsabilité.
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Le fait d’accepter de poursuivre la consultation du site dégage Mirova de toutes responsabilités présentes ou futures quant à l’utilisation que vous pourriez faire de ces informations. Les informations figurant sur ce site ne visent pas à être distribuées ni à être utilisées par toute personne ou entité dans un pays ou une juridiction où cette distribution ou utilisation serait contraire aux dispositions légales ou réglementaires, ou qui imposerait à Mirova de se conformer aux obligations d’enregistrement de ces pays ou juridictions. La totalité des produits ou services peut ne pas être enregistrée ou autorisée dans tous les pays ou disponible à tous les clients.
Les données et informations figurant sur le site sont fournies à titre d’information uniquement.
Aucune information contenue sur le site ne constitue une offre d’achat, une sollicitation de vente de titres, un conseil d’investissement quant à l'achat ou à la vente d’un titre, une offre ou une sollicitation par Mirova de fournir un conseil d'investissement ou un service financier, juridique, fiscal ou de placement ou d’acheter ou vendre des titres ou autres instruments financiers.
Mirova ne donne pas de garantie et ne fait aucune déclaration, expresse ou tacite, que les informations fournies sur le présent site internet sont exactes, complètes ou à jour.
Tout investissement dans les OPCVM/FIA ne doit se faire qu’après avoir consulté le prospectus simplifié/DICI de l’OPCVM/FIA et les rapports annuels et semi-annuels s’ils sont disponibles. Ces documents peuvent être obtenus soit à partir du présent site, soit directement auprès de la société de gestion de l’OPCVM/FIA concerné.
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Mirova fait le maximum pour s'assurer qu'aucune interruption n'affecte la disponibilité de ce site Web, mais décline toute responsabilité pour tout dommage éventuel résultant d'interruptions volontaires ou involontaires qui pourraient survenir.
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L'utilisateur reconnaît expressément que les informations et les données qui lui sont communiquées sont et restent la propriété de Mirova ou de ses partenaires, comme le mentionne le site web. Les textes, dessins, photos, images, données, raisons sociales et noms de domaines, marques, logos et autres éléments sont protégés par les droits de propriété intellectuelle.
Nul ne peut les reproduire ou les diffuser dans le public sans avoir obtenu préalablement l'autorisation écrite expresse de Mirova, sauf si les lois concernant le droit d'auteur et les droits voisins en disposent autrement. En tant qu'utilisateur vous avez, par exemple, le droit de télécharger des informations depuis ce site Web et de les reproduire pour un usage privé, et de les diffuser gratuitement dans le cercle familial.
Si Mirova vous permet d'enregistrer sur le site Web des contributions ou des images propres, vous ne pouvez envoyer des œuvres protégées par des droits de propriété intellectuelle, à moins que vous disposiez de ces droits ou de toutes les autorisations nécessaires des ayants-droit pour leur exploitation sur le site Web. En enregistrant vos contributions ou vos propres photos sur le site web, vous conférez expressément à Mirova le droit de publier ces contributions ou photos sur le site Web, sans pouvoir prétendre à une quelconque rémunération. En tout état de cause, l'utilisateur garantit pleinement Mirova les revendications de tiers.
En tant qu'utilisateur de ce site Web, vous vous engagez notamment à :
L'utilisateur reconnaît expressément que les informations et les données qui lui sont communiquées sont et restent la propriété de Mirova ou de ses partenaires, comme le mentionne le site web. Les textes, dessins, photos, images, données, raisons sociales et noms de domaines, marques, logos et autres éléments sont protégés par les droits de propriété intellectuelle.
Nul ne peut les reproduire ou les diffuser dans le public sans avoir obtenu préalablement l'autorisation écrite expresse de Mirova, sauf si les lois concernant le droit d'auteur et les droits voisins en disposent autrement. En tant qu'utilisateur vous avez, par exemple, le droit de télécharger des informations depuis ce site Web et de les reproduire pour un usage privé, et de les diffuser gratuitement dans le cercle familial.
Si Mirova vous permet d'enregistrer sur le site Web des contributions ou des images propres, vous ne pouvez envoyer des œuvres protégées par des droits de propriété intellectuelle, à moins que vous disposiez de ces droits ou de toutes les autorisations nécessaires des ayants-droit pour leur exploitation sur le site Web. En enregistrant vos contributions ou vos propres photos sur le site web, vous conférez expressément à Mirova le droit de publier ces contributions ou photos sur le site Web, sans pouvoir prétendre à une quelconque rémunération. En tout état de cause, l'utilisateur garantit pleinement Mirova les revendications de tiers.
En naviguant sur le site de http://www.mirova.com , un ou plusieurs « Cookies » peuvent être déposés sur votre ordinateur, votre mobile ou votre tablette.
Vous pouvez visiter librement ce site Web et consulter des informations sur l’organisation et les services de Mirova sans devoir fournir pour ce faire des données personnelles. Seul le service d’abonnement disponible sur ce site Web nécessite l'introduction de données personnelles. Chaque fois que vous communiquez des données personnelles, Mirova traite celles-ci conformément à la politique décrite ci-dessous et aux obligations légales relatives au traitement des données personnelles. Les données personnelles sont enregistrées dans un environnement sécurisé inaccessible au public. Les informations sont uniquement traitées à des fins internes (gestion de clientèle…). Mirova traite les données personnelles collectées pour pouvoir entrer en contact avec vous et vous offrir un service optimal. Ces données ne sont pas conservées plus longtemps que ne l'exige la fourniture du service concerné ou l'utilisation de la fonction concernée. Mirova ne communique généralement pas ces données personnelles à des tiers, sauf pour répondre à des obligations légales et en cas de demande explicite des autorités judiciaires ou des services de police. Dans le cas exceptionnel où Mirova communiquerait des données personnelles à des organisations ou des entreprises avec lesquelles elle collabore, vous en seriez expressément informé ou seriez amené à donner votre autorisation expresse.
L'utilisateur qui communique ses données personnelles autorise expressément Mirova à traiter ces données aux fins précitées.
Conformément aux articles 39 et suivants de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, toute personne peut obtenir communication et, le cas échéant, rectification ou suppression des informations la concernant, en adressant un mail à communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Hormis faute grave ou intentionnelle prouvée et lien de causalité avec des dommages éventuels pouvant en résulter, Mirova ne peut être tenue pour responsable de tout dommage susceptible de résulter de l'utilisation de ce site Web ou des informations qui y sont contenues ou peuvent être obtenues via ce site Web (notamment via les liens présents).
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Mirova ne peut être tenue pour responsable de tout dommage pouvant résulter de virus, bugs, chevaux de Troie, etc. apparus sur le site Web malgré les mesures de précaution prises.
Ce site Web est régi par le droit français et les tribunaux français sont seuls appelés à connaître de tout litige pouvant survenir en relation avec ce site Web.
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Diese Website wurde von Mirova erstellt. Sie wird von Mirova verwaltet und aktualisiert.
Aktiengesellschaft französischen Rechts mit einem Kapital von 8 813 860,00 Euro
Eingetragen im Handels- und Gesellschaftsregister von Paris unter der Nr. 394 648 216
Gesetzlicher Vertreter: Monsieur Philippe Zaouati
Eingetragener Sitz: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Tel.: 33 (0) 1
Siret: 394 648 216 00056
Überwiegend ausgeübte Tätigkeit: 7022Z- Finanz- und andere Unternehmensberatung
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: FR 05 394 648 216Mirova ist eine Portfolioverwaltungsgesellschaft, die am 26. August 2002 von der AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) unter der Nummer GP 02014 zugelassen wurde.
Anschrift der Regulierungsbehörde:
Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02
Verantwortlicher für die Veröffentlichung: Philippe Zaouati, Generaldirektor
Redaktionsverantwortlicher: Philippe Zaouati, Generaldirektor
Webhoster: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von Natixis Investments Managers
Diese Website und die auf ihr bereitgestellten Informationen können unter der Bedingung genutzt werden, dass die vorliegenden Nutzungsbedingungen uneingeschränkt eingehalten werden.
Die Informationen, die Sie auf dieser Website finden oder die Ihnen über diese Website angeboten werden, sind allgemeiner Natur und können daher nicht als an Ihre persönlichen Anforderungen oder bestimmte Umstände angepasst angesehen werden.
Mirova hat das Recht, jederzeit die auf dieser Website bereitgestellten Informationen im eigenen Ermessen und unangekündigt zu ändern.
Mirova trifft alle erforderlichen Vorkehrungen, um sich dessen zu versichern, dass die veröffentlichten Informationen so vollständig, richtig, genau und aktuell wie möglich sind. Mirova kann nicht für Fehler bzw. Mängel, die möglicherweise in der Website enthalten sind, oder für Schäden, die aus der Nutzung dieser Informationen erwachsen können, haftbar gemacht werden.
Sollte es trotz allem den Anschein haben, dass die veröffentlichten Informationen Fehler enthalten oder dass auf dieser Website erwartete Informationen fehlen, ist Mirova bestrebt, diesen Zustand schnellstmöglich zu beheben, nachdem die Gesellschaft über diese Mängel in Kenntnis gesetzt wurde. Bitte melden Sie uns mögliche Fehler an die folgende Adresse: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Die auf dieser Website bereitgestellten Informationen (Daten, Grafiken und Dokumente) stammen zwar aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen, stellen jedoch in keiner Weise eine Anlageberatung dar. Außerdem erfolgt die Nutzung dieser Website auf Ihre eigene und alleinige Verantwortung.
Falls Sie eine Anlage tätigen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Geschäftsträger, der Ihnen bei der Beurteilung der für Ihre Anforderungen geeigneten Produkte behilflich sein wird und Sie darüber hinaus auf mögliche Risiken hinweisen wird.
Wenn Sie mit der Nutzung der Website fortfahren, enthebt dies Mirova von jedweder derzeitigen oder zukünftigen Verantwortung im Hinblick auf Ihre Verwendung dieser Informationen. Die auf dieser Website bereitgestellten Informationen sind weder für die Weitergabe an noch für die Nutzung durch natürliche oder juristische Personen in einem Land oder einer Gerichtsbarkeit vorgesehen, wo eine solche Weitergabe oder Nutzung gegen gesetzliche Vorschriften und Verordnungen verstoßen würde oder wo eine solche Weitergabe oder Nutzung Mirova dazu zwingen würde, den Registrierungsanforderungen in diesem Land oder dieser Gerichtsbarkeit gerecht zu werden. Es sind ggf. nicht alle Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in allen Ländern registriert bzw. zugelassen oder für alle Kunden verfügbar.
Die auf der Website verfügbaren Daten und Informationen werden ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken bereitgestellt.
Keine der auf der Website bereitgestellten Informationen stellt ein Kaufangebot, eine Aufforderung zum Kauf von Wertpapieren, eine Anlageberatung im Hinblick auf den Kauf oder Verkauf eines Wertpapiers, ein Angebot oder eine Aufforderung durch Mirova hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Anlageberatung oder finanziellen, juristischen, steuerlichen oder Anlagedienstleistungen oder von Dienstleistungen zur Platzierung oder zum Kauf bzw. Verkauf von Wertpapieren oder anderen Finanzinstrumenten dar.
Mirova garantiert und erklärt weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend, dass die auf dieser Website bereitgestellten Informationen richtig, vollständig oder aktuell sind.
Jegliche Anlage in den OGAW/FIA darf erst nach der Lektüre des vereinfachten Prospekts bzw. des Dokuments mit den wesentlichen Informationen für Anleger des OGAW/FIA und der Jahres- und Halbjahresberichte, soweit verfügbar, erfolgen. Diese Dokumente sind auf dieser Website oder direkt bei der Verwaltungsgesellschaft des jeweiligen OGAW/FIA erhältlich.
Auf dieser Website können Angebote für Produkte oder Dienstleistungen sowie Werbung Dritter in Form von Bannern angezeigt werden. Wenn Sie auf eines dieser Banner klicken, werden Sie auf die Website eines Dritten weitergeleitet. Mirova übernimmt keine Verantwortung hinsichtlich der Inhalte der Werbung und der für Angebote von Dritten geltenden Bedingungen. Diese werden im Auftrag dieser Dritten angezeigt. Falls Sie ein solches Angebot in Anspruch nehmen möchten, in irgendeiner Weise einen Vertrag mit einem solchen Dritten schließen möchten oder eine Beschwerde hinsichtlich derartiger Angebote und Werbung vorbringen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an diesen Dritten.
Mirova setzt alles daran, sicherzustellen, dass keine Unterbrechung die Verfügbarkeit dieser Website beeinträchtigt, übernimmt jedoch keine Haftung für etwaige Schäden, die aufgrund von möglichen absichtlichen oder unabsichtlichen Unterbrechungen entstehen.
Mirova bietet keine Garantie hinsichtlich der Kompatibilität der auf dieser Website befindlichen Dateien mit Ihrer Programminfrastruktur und Ihrer Hardware. In Ihrer Eigenschaft als Nutzer müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie über eine geeignete Computerhardware und die erforderliche Software verfügen, einschließlich geeigneter Sicherheitssoftware (Firewall, Virenschutz).
Der Nutzer erkennt ausdrücklich an, dass die Informationen und die Daten, die ihm mitgeteilt werden, das Eigentum von Mirova oder ihren Partnerfirmen sind und bleiben, wie auf der Website angegeben. Die Texte, Designs, Fotos, Bilder, Daten, Firmen- und Domänennamen, Marken, Logos und sonstigen Elemente sind durch die Rechte zum Schutz geistigen Eigentums geschützt.
Niemand darf sie vervielfältigen oder öffentlich verbreiten, ohne zuvor die ausdrückliche schriftliche Genehmigung von Mirova eingeholt zu haben, soweit die Urheberrechte und verwandte Rechte dies nicht anderweitig verfügen. Als Nutzer haben Sie beispielsweise das Recht, Informationen von dieser Website herunterzuladen und diese für die private Nutzung zu vervielfältigen und sie kostenfrei im Familienkreis zu verbreiten.
Falls Mirova es Ihnen gestattet, auf der Website eigene Beiträge oder Bilder zu speichern, dürfen Sie keine durch Rechte zum Schutz geistigen Eigentums geschützten Werke hochladen, falls Sie nicht Inhaber dieser Rechte sind oder über alle erforderlichen Genehmigungen der Berechtigten für die Nutzung dieser Werke auf der Website verfügen. Indem Sie Ihre Beiträge oder Ihre eigenen Fotos auf der Website speichern, erteilen Sie Mirova ausdrücklich das Recht, diese Beiträge oder Fotos auf der Website zu veröffentlichen, ohne Anspruch auf eine Vergütung erheben zu können. In jedem Fall hält der Nutzer Mirova vollumfänglich gegen Ansprüche Dritter schadlos.
Diese Website kann Links zu Websites enthalten, die von Dritten verwaltet werden. Diese Links werden auf der Website nur zu Informationszwecken bereitgestellt. Mirova übernimmt keinerlei Garantie für den Inhalt, die Qualität oder die Vollständigkeit solcher Websites und kann somit nicht dafür haftbar gemacht werden. Das Vorhandensein eines Links zu einer Website eines Dritten bedeutet nicht, dass Mirova ein Abkommen zur Zusammenarbeit mit diesem Dritten geschlossen hat oder dass Mirova die auf solchen Websites veröffentlichten Informationen genehmigt hat bzw. gutheißt.
Als Nutzer dieser Website verpflichten Sie sich insbesondere dazu:
Mirova behält sich das Recht vor, den Nutzer abzumahnen und/oder Privatklage zu erheben, wenn die Gesellschaft ihre Interessen oder die Interessen Dritter durch die Verletzung der vorstehenden Bestimmungen oder auf andere Weise beeinträchtigt sieht.
Beim Besuch der Website http://www.mirova.com können ein oder mehrere „Cookies“ auf Ihrem Computer, Mobiltelefon oder Tablet gespeichert werden. In diesem Abschnitt wird beschrieben, wie „Cookies“ funktionieren und wie Sie Ihre Browser für die Verwaltung der Cookies konfigurieren können.
Was ist ein Cookie? : Ein „Cookie“ ist eine kleine Textdatei, die beim Besuch einer Website oder beim Aufrufen einer Werbung auf der Festplatte Ihres Computers gespeichert wird. Es wird von Ihrem Browser verwaltet. Es dient insbesondere der Sammlung von Informationen zu Ihrer Navigation auf den Seiten und um Ihnen personalisierte Services anzubieten. Es kann jedoch nicht dazu verwendet werden, Daten von Ihrer Festplatte zu erlangen, einen Virus zu installieren oder persönliche Informationen über Sie zu beschaffen.
Cookies von http://www.mirova.com (Cookies von Erstanbietern): Dies sind Cookies, die von dieser Website auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert werden, die der Navigation und Optimierung unserer Website dienen.
Cookies Dritter (oder von Drittanbietern): Dies sind Cookies, die von dritten Unternehmen gespeichert werden, z. B. von Dienstleistern oder Partnern. Beispiele:
Verschiedene Arten von Cookies mit unterschiedlichen Zwecken werden auf dieser Website verwendet.
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Für die Nutzung der Website http://www.mirova.com essentielle Cookies haben folgende Funktionen:
Mit externen Komponenten verknüpfte Cookies: Externe Komponenten können Cookies ablegen, beispielsweise: Youtube. Wir bitten Sie, sich mit der Verwaltung dieser Cookies auf den betreffenden Webseiten vertraut zu machen.
Cookies zur Messung von Traffic: Dies sind Cookies, die zu statistischen Zwecken abgelegt werden. Insbesondere messen wir die Anzahl der aufgerufenen Seiten, die Anzahl der Besuche sowie die Aktivität der Besucher auf der Seite und die Häufigkeit ihrer Rückkehr mithilfe von Lösungen von AT Internet®. Diese Cookies werden maximal 13 Monate aufbewahrt.
Cookies sozialer Netzwerke: Soziale Netzwerke wie LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ oder Facebook können Cookies ablegen. Das Vorhandensein, die Anzahl und der Status dieser Cookies können von Ihrer Nutzung der betreffenden Plattformen vor oder während Ihres Besuchs der Website abhängen. Wir bitten Sie, sich mit der Verwaltung dieser Cookies sozialer Netzwerke auf den betreffenden Webseiten vertraut zu machen.
Konfigurieren oder verhindern: Wenn Sie die Nutzung von Cookies durch einen Browser ändern oder Cookies dauerhaft deaktivieren wollen, können Sie diese Einstellungen Ihres Browsers ändern.
Die meisten Browser ermöglichen die Ihnen die Annahme oder Ablehnung aller Cookies, die Annahme nur bestimmter Arten von Cookies oder die Nachfrage, sobald eine Website ein Cookie speichern will. Sie können auch Cookies löschen, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert wurden.
Zur Verwaltung von Cookies nach Ihren Wünschen bitten wir Sie, die Verwaltung oder Verhinderung der Speicherung von Cookies in der Verwaltung Ihres Browsers zu konfigurieren:
(Siehe http://windows.microsoft.com/de-DE/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(Siehe http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=de_DE&locale=en_US)
(Siehe https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662?hl=de)
(Siehe https://support.mozilla.org/de/kb/cookies-erlauben-und-ablehnen)
Sie können diese Website unverbindlich besuchen und die Informationen über die Organisation und die Dienstleistungen von Mirova einsehen, ohne hierfür personenbezogene Daten angeben zu müssen. Allein für den auf dieser Website verfügbaren Abo-Service ist die Eingabe von personenbezogenen Daten erforderlich. Alle von Ihnen übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten werden von Mirova entsprechend der nachstehend beschriebenen Politik und gemäß den gesetzlichen Auflagen hinsichtlich der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten verarbeitet. Personenbezogene Daten werden in einer gesicherten und nicht öffentlich zugänglichen Umgebung gespeichert. Die Informationen werden ausschließlich zu internen Zwecken (Kundenverwaltung usw.) verarbeitet. Mirova verarbeitet erfasste personenbezogene Daten, um mit Ihnen in Kontakt treten und Ihnen einen optimalen Service anbieten zu können. Diese Daten werden nicht länger aufbewahrt, als dies für die Bereitstellung der entsprechenden Dienstleistungen oder die Nutzung der entsprechenden Funktion erforderlich ist. Mirova gibt diese personenbezogenen Daten generell nicht an Dritte weiter, außer wenn dazu eine gesetzliche Verpflichtung besteht, und im Falle einer ausdrücklichen Anforderung durch Justizbehörden oder die Polizei. In dem außergewöhnlichen Fall, dass Mirova personenbezogene Daten an Organisationen oder Unternehmen weitergibt, mit denen die Gesellschaft zusammenarbeitet, werden Sie ausdrücklich informiert oder es wird Ihr ausdrückliches Einverständnis eingeholt.
Nutzer, die ihre personenbezogenen Daten angeben, gestatten Mirova ausdrücklich, diese zu den vorstehend genannten Zwecken zu verarbeiten.
In Übereinstimmung mit Artikel 39 ff. des Gesetzes Nr. 78-17 vom 6. Januar 1978 in der geänderten Fassung von 2004 mit Bezug auf die elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Dateien und Rechte kann jede Person Auskunft über sie betreffende Informationen und bei Bedarf deren Berichtigung oder Löschung verlangen. Bitte senden Sie hierzu eine E-Mail an communication@am.natixis.com.
Zum Zugriff auf bestimmte Bereiche der Website benötigen Sie möglicherweise ein Kennwort. In diesem Fall ist der Zugriff durch Parteien ohne Kennwort strengstens untersagt. Falls Sie ein solches Kennwort erhalten haben, muss dieses vertraulich und geheim bleiben. Jede Nutzung unserer Dienstleistungen nach gültiger Identifikation Ihres Kennworts wird Ihnen zugeschrieben. Mirova behält sich das Recht vor, Ihr Kennwort außer Kraft zu setzen, wenn die Sicherheit der Website bedroht ist.
Außer im Falle grober Fahrlässigkeit oder erwiesenem Vorsatz und Kausalzusammenhang mit möglichen Folgeschäden kann Mirova nicht für mögliche Folgeschäden aus der Nutzung dieser Website oder der dort enthaltenen Informationen oder der über diese Website (insbesondere über die vorhandenen Links) erhältlichen Informationen haftbar gemacht werden.
Ebenso wenig kann Mirova für Schäden haftbar gemacht werden, die aus technischen Störungen, Unterbrechungen des Zugriffs auf diese Website oder mögliche Inkompatibilitäten mit Ihrem System oder Ihrer Software resultieren.
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This website was created by Mirova. It is managed and updated by Mirova.
Société anonyme (public limited company) with a Board of Directors with a share capital of 8 813 860,00 euros
Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 394 648 216
Legal representative: Mr. Philippe Zaouati
Registered office: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Telephone: 33 (0)1 58 19 00 20
Siret no: 394 648 216 00056
Principal activity (APE): 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 02014, on 26 August 2002
Details of the regulatory authority:
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02 FRANCE
Publication director: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer,
Chief editor: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer.
Webhost: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers
This website and the information it contains may be used provided that these conditions of use are fully complied with.
The information you will find on this website or to which the site links is of a general nature and therefore cannot be considered as tailored to your personal needs or to particular circumstances.
Mirova reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time at its discretion and without notice.
Mirova does everything in its power to ensure that the information published is as complete, correct, accurate, and up-to-date as possible. Mirova cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies on this site, or for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.
However, if the published information appears to contain errors, or information expected to be found on this site is lacking, Mirova undertakes to remedy the situation as soon as possible after having been notified of such shortcomings. To notify us of any errors please contact: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
The information (data, graphs, and documents) contained in this site, though provided by reliable sources, does not constitute any form of investment advice. Moreover, this site is consulted entirely at the viewer’s risk.
If you want to make an investment, you should contact your financial adviser, who will help you assess which products are suited to your needs, and will also advise you of the potential risks.
By agreeing to consult this site you release Mirova from all responsibility now or in the future for any use you may make of this information. The information on this site is not meant for dissemination or to be used by any person or entity in a country or jurisdiction where this dissemination or use would contravene the law or regulations, or would oblige Mirova to comply with the regulation requirements in these countries or jurisdictions. The totality of products and services may not be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all clients.
The data and information on this site are given purely for information.
No information on this site constitutes an offer to buy, an offer to sell securities, investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of any security, or an offer or solicitation by Mirova to supply investment advice or financial, legal, fiscal, or investment services, or the buying or selling of securities or other financial instruments.
Mirova do not gives any guarantee or makes any declaration, expressly or implicitly, that the information given on this site is accurate, complete, or up to date.
Any investment in UCITs/AIF must be made only after having consulted the UCITs/AIF' simplified prospectus/key investor information document and the annual and six-monthly reports, if available.
These documents may be obtained either from this website or directly from the company that manages the UCITs/AIF in question.
Mirova does all it can to ensure that there is no interruption to the availability of this website. However, it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any interruptions – whether voluntary or involuntary – which may occur.
Mirova does not offer any guarantee regarding the compatibility of the forms on this website with any infrastructure or with your material. As a user, you must ensure that you have the appropriate computer equipment as well as the necessary software, including security software (firewall and anti-virus).
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Different potential issuers
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Cookies that are essential for the use of the www.mirova.com website have the following functions:
Cookies related to external components: External components are likely to set cookies, for example YouTube. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant websites.
Audience analysis cookies: These cookies are stored for statistical purposes. In particular, we record the number of page views, the number of visits, as well as visitor activity on the website and the number of times people return, using AT Internet® solutions. These cookies are not stored for more than 13 months.
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(See http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(See http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=en_US)
(See https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662)
(See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences)
You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so. Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mriova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
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Except in the event that it is seriously at fault or negligent, and can be demonstrated to have caused loss or damage as a result, Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may result from using this website or the information on it or obtainable through it (notably via links).
Mriova can also not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from technical failure, interruptions to access to the website, or any problems with your computer or software.
Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage due to viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, etc. that appear on the website despite the precautions taken.
This website is governed by French law, and only the French courts may deal with any dispute that may arise in relation to this website.
By continuing navigation, you agree to the above information.
Este sitio web ha sido creado por Mirova. Está administrado y actualizado por Mirova.
Sociedad anónima con capital de 8 813 860,00 euros.
Registrada en el Registro de Comercio y Sociedades de París con el número 394 648 216.
Representante legal: Señor Philippe Zaouati
Domicilio social: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Teléfono: 33 (0) 1 58 19 00 20
SIRET: 394 648 216 00056
Actividad Principal Ejercida (APE): 7022Z- Consejos para los negocios y otros consejos de gestión.
Número de identificación fiscal intracomunitario: FR 05 394 648 216Mirova es una sociedad de gestión de carteras aprobada por la Autoridad de los Mercados Financieros con el nº GP 02014, a 26 de agosto de 2002.
Ubicación del Organismo regulador:
Autoridad de los Mercados Financieros (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 París Cedex 02
Director de publicación: Philippe Zaouati, Director general
Responsable de redacción: Philippe Zaouati, Director General.
Anfitrión: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova es una filial de Natixis Investment Managers
Este sitio web y la información que contiene pueden utilizarse siempre que se respeten plenamente las presentes condiciones de uso.
La información que encontrará en este sitio web o que se ofrece a través del mismo es de carácter general y por ello no puede considerarse adaptada a sus necesidades personales o a circunstancias particulares.
Mirova se reserva el derecho de modificar en todo momento la información contenida en este sitio web, según su propia consideración y sin previo aviso.
Asimismo, Mirova hace todo lo posible por garantizar que la información publicada sea tan completa, correcta, exacta y actualizada como sea posible. Mirova no se responsabiliza de posibles errores o imperfecciones en este sitio, o por posibles daños producidos como consecuencia del uso de esta información.
Sin embargo, si resulta que la información publicada contiene errores o es insuficiente, en cuanto se le notifiquen tales imperfecciones, Mirova se compromete a regularizar lo antes posible esta situación. Para avisarnos acerca de posibles errores: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
La información (datos, gráficos y documentos) contenida en este sitio, aunque se ha obtenido de fuentes fiables, no representa, en modo alguno, asesoramiento de inversión. Asimismo, la consulta de este sitio se efectúa bajo su responsabilidad.
Si desea invertir, póngase en contacto con su asesor financiero, quien le ayudará a evaluar los productos adaptados a sus necesidades y también le presentará los riesgos potenciales.
La decisión de seguir con la consulta del sitio exime a Mirova de toda responsabilidad, presente o futura, relacionada con el uso que usted pudiera hacer de la información. La información incluida en este sitio no está concebida para ser distribuida o utilizada por cualquier persona o entidad en un país o jurisdicción donde dicha distribución o uso sean contrarios a las disposiciones legales o reglamentarias u obliguen a Mirova a cumplir con las obligaciones de registro de tales países o jurisdicciones. La totalidad de los productos o servicios puede no estar registrada o autorizada en todos los países ni estar disponible para todos los clientes.
Los datos y la información del sitio se presentan únicamente con fines informativos.
Ninguna información contenida en el sitio representa una oferta de compra, una solicitud de venta de títulos, un consejo de inversión sobre la compra o la venta de un título, una oferta o una solicitud de Mirova para proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión o un servicio financiero, jurídico, fiscal o de inversión, o de compra o venta de títulos u otros instrumentos financieros.
Mirova no ofrece la garantía ni declara, expresa o tácitamente, que las informaciones del presente sitio web sean exactas, completas o actualizadas.
Cualquier inversión en los OICVM/FIA debe efectuarse únicamente después de consultar el folleto simplificado/DICI de los OICVM/FIA y los informes anuales y semestrales, si están disponibles. Estos documentos pueden obtenerse en este mismo sitio web o en la sociedad gestora del OICVM/FIA correspondiente.
Es posible que en este sitio web se publiquen ofertas de productos y servicios y publicidad de terceros en forma de banners. Al hacer clic en uno de estos banners, será redireccionado al sitio web de un tercero. Mirova no asume ninguna responsabilidad por el contenido de la publicidad ni por las condiciones aplicables a las ofertas de terceros. Dichos terceros son responsables de tales contenidos y condiciones. Si desea suscribirse a una oferta determinada o terminar de algún modo un contrato con un tercero o si tiene alguna duda en relación con estas ofertas o anuncios, deberá ponerse en contacto directamente con dicho tercero.
Mirova hace lo posible por garantizar que ninguna interrupción afecte a la disponibilidad de este sitio web, pero no se responsabiliza de posibles daños producidos como consecuencia de posibles interrupciones voluntarias o involuntarias.
Mirova no ofrece ninguna garantía en lo referente a la compatibilidad de los archivos incluidos en el sitio web con la infraestructura y su material. Como usuario, debe asegurarse de que dispone del equipo informático apropiado, así como del software necesario, incluido el software de seguridad (cortafuegos, antivirus).
El usuario reconoce expresamente que la información y los datos que se le presentan son y seguirán siendo propiedad de Mirova o de sus colaboradores, tal y como se explica en el sitio web. Los textos, diseños, fotografías, imágenes, datos, razones sociales y nombres de dominios, marcas, logotipos y otros elementos están protegidos por los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
Nadie puede reproducirlos ni difundirlos públicamente sin previo consentimiento expreso por escrito de Mirova, salvo si las leyes sobre derechos de autor y derechos conexos disponen lo contrario. Por ejemplo, como usuario, usted tiene el derecho de descargar la información de este sitio web, reproducirla con fines particulares y difundirla de forma gratuita en el entorno familiar.
Si Mirova le permite registrar en el sitio web contribuciones o imágenes propias, no puede enviar contenidos protegidos por derechos de propiedad intelectual, a menos que usted disponga de tales derechos o de cualquier autorización necesaria de los beneficiarios para su explotación en el sitio web. Al registrar sus contribuciones o sus propias fotografías en el sitio web, concede expresamente a Mirova el derecho de publicar tales contribuciones o fotografías en dicho sitio web, sin poder reclamar compensación alguna. En cualquier caso, el usuario exime plenamente a Mirova de responsabilidad ante las reclamaciones de terceros.
Como usuario de este sitio web, usted se compromete a:
Mirova se reserva el derecho de avisar al usuario y/o de constituirse parte civil si se perjudican sus intereses o los de terceros por la infracción de las disposiciones anteriores o de otro modo.
Al navegar por el sitio web de www.mirova.com, una o varias "Cookies” pueden ser depositadas en su ordenador, teléfono móvil o tableta. Este párrafo le permite entender mejor cómo funcionan las “Cookies” y cómo configurar sus navegadores de Internet para administrarlas correctamente.
¿Qué es una Cookie?: Una “Cookie” es un pequeño archivo de texto guardado en el disco duro de su ordenador durante la visita a un sitio web o la consulta de un anuncio. Son gestionadas por su navegador de Internet. Su objetivo principal consiste en recopilar información relativa a su navegación de los sitios web y ofrecerle servicios personalizados pero no pueden utilizarse para recuperar datos de su disco duro, instalar virus u obtener su información personal.
Las Cookies de http://www.mirova.com (cookies “first party”): Se trata de cookies depositadas por este sitio web en su terminal con el fin de satisfacer necesidades de navegación y optimización de nuestro sitio.
Las Cookies de terceros (o “third party”): Se trata de cookies depositadas por sociedades terceras, como empresas proveedoras o asociadas. A modo de ejemplo:
- Una página web puede contener componentes almacenados en servidores de otros dominios (imágenes u otros contenidos integrados: vídeos de YouTube, presentaciones de diapositivas de Flickr, etc.). Estos sitios pueden depositar sus propias Cookies durante la recuperación de dichos componentes externos como parte de la navegación.
- Un sitio web puede utilizar los servicios de una sociedad tercera para analizar su audiencia. En ese caso, dicha sociedad define su propia Cookie para llevar a cabo este servicio.
- Un sitio web también puede utilizar una red de publicidad de terceros para difundir publicidad. Este sitio no utiliza ningún servicio de publicidad.
- Las redes sociales pueden implementar Cookies útiles para compartir el contenido o para elaborar estadísticas de acceso cuando hace clic en los “botones para compartir”.
En este sitio web se utilizan diferentes tipos de Cookies con diversas finalidades.
Cookies estrictamente necesarias o que facilitan la comunicación en línea: Se trata de Cookies útiles para el funcionamiento del sitio y depositados por http://www.mirova.com. Le permiten utilizar las principales funciones del sitio (por ejemplo: Cookies de sesión o de gestión de idiomas). Registran información relativa a la navegación del sitio efectuada a partir del ordenador en el que está almacenada la Cookie y no se conservan durante más de un mes.
Las “Cookies esenciales” para la utilización del sitio web http://www.mirova.com tienen las siguientes funciones:
Cookies vinculadas a los componentes externos: Los componentes externos pueden depositar cookies, por ejemplo: Youtube. Le invitamos a familiarizarse con la política de gestión de estas cookies en los sitios web en cuestión.
Cookies de medición de audiencia: Se trata de Cookies depositadas con fines estadísticos. En particular, medimos el número de páginas vistas, el número de visitas, así como la actividad de los visitantes del sitio y su frecuencia de retorno gracias a las soluciones de AT Internet®. Dichas Cookies no se conservan durante más de 13 meses.
Cookies de redes sociales: Las redes sociales como LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ o Facebook pueden depositar Cookies. La presencia, el nombre y el estado de dichas Cookies pueden depender de su uso de las plataformas en cuestión antes de o durante su visita al sitio web. Le invitamos a familiarizarse con la política de gestión de estas cookies de redes sociales en los sitios web en cuestión.
Controlar y eliminar: Si desea modificar el modo de uso de las Cookies de un navegador o elegir desactivar las Cookies en todo momento, puede modificar los parámetros de su navegador.
La mayoría de los navegadores le permiten aceptar o rechazar todas las Cookies, aceptar únicamente ciertos tipos o responder a la pregunta cada vez que un sitio web trate de registrar una Cookie. Asimismo, le permiten suprimir las Cookies guardadas en su ordenador.
Con el fin de gestionar las Cookies de un modo más ajustado a sus necesidades, le invitamos a adaptar su navegador en función de su configuración para controlar o impedir el registro de las Cookies:
(Ver http://windows.microsoft.com/es-ES/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(Ver http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=es_ES&locale=en_US)
(Ver https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662?hl=es)
(Ver https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we)
(Ver http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html)
Puede visitar libremente este sitio web y consultar información sobre la organización y los servicios de Mirova sin tener que proporcionar datos personales para ello. Solo el servicio de suscripción disponible en el sitio web exige la facilitación de datos personales. Cada vez que introduzca datos personales, Mirova procesará esta información conforme a la política descrita a continuación y a las obligaciones legales relativas al uso de datos personales. Los datos personales se registran en un entorno seguro e inaccesible para el público. La información se utiliza únicamente con fines internos (gestión de clientes, etc.). Mirova utiliza los datos personales recogidos para poder contactar con usted y ofrecerle un servicio óptimo. Estos datos no se guardan durante más tiempo del que precisa la prestación del servicio correspondiente o el uso de la función oportuna. Por lo general, Mirova no cede estos datos personales a terceros, salvo para cumplir con las obligaciones legales y en caso de petición explícita de las autoridades judiciales o de la policía. En el caso excepcional en el que Mirova facilitara datos personales a organizaciones o empresas con las que colabora, usted sería debidamente informado o se le pediría su consentimiento expreso.
El usuario que facilita sus datos personales autoriza expresamente a Mirova a utilizarlos para estos fines.
Con arreglo a los artículos 39 y siguientes de la ley francesa n.º 78-17 de 6 de enero de 1978 modificada en 2004 relativa a la informática, a los ficheros y a las libertades, cualquier persona puede acceder y, si procede, rectificar o eliminar la información que le afecta escribiendo un correo electrónico a communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Puede que sea necesario utilizar una contraseña para acceder a determinadas secciones del sitio web. En este caso, el acceso a dichas secciones sin contraseña está estrictamente prohibido. Si ha recibido tal contraseña, esta debe permanecer confidencial y secreta. Se le considerará responsable de cualquier uso de nuestros servicios tras una identificación válida con su contraseña. Mirova tiene el derecho de anular su contraseña si la seguridad del sitio web está amenazada.
Salvo en caso de negligencia grave o intencionada probada y de relación causal con los posibles daños resultantes, Mirova no se hace responsable de los daños que puedan resultar del uso de este sitio web o de la información que contiene o que puede obtenerse a través de este sitio web (en particular, mediante los vínculos que incluye).
Asimismo, Mirova no se hace responsable de los daños causados por fallos técnicos, interrupciones en el acceso al sitio web o posibles interferencias perjudiciales con su sistema o software.
Mirova no se hace responsable de los daños provocados por virus, errores, troyanos, etc. que aparezcan en el sitio web a pesar de las medidas de precaución tomadas.
Este sitio web se rige por el derecho francés, y los tribunales franceses son los únicos que pueden ocuparse de cualquier litigio que pueda surgir en relación con este sitio.
Al continuar con la navegación, usted acepta la información anterior.
Il presente sito Web è stato creato da Mirova. È gestito e aggiornato da Mirova.
Società anonima con capitale di 8 813 860,00 euro
Iscritta nel Registro del Commercio e delle Imprese di Parigi con il n. 394 648 216
Rappresentante legale: signor Philippe Zaouati
Sede sociale: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Tel: 33 (0) 1
Siret: 394 648 216 00056
Attività Principale Esercitata (APE): 7022Z- Consulenza aziendale e altre consulenze di gestione
Partita IVA intracomunitaria: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova è una società di gestione di portafogli, autorizzata dall'Autorité des marchés financiers con il n. GP 02014, in data 26 agosto 2002
Coordinate dell'Autorità di regolamentazione:
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Parigi Cedex 02
Direttore della pubblicazione: Philippe Zaouati, Direttore generale
Responsabile della redazione: Philippe Zaouati, Direttore generale,
Hoster: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova è una controllata di Natixis Investment Managers
Il presente sito Web e le informazioni ivi contenute possono essere utilizzati purché siano pienamente rispettate le presenti condizioni di utilizzo.
Le informazioni che troverete nel presente sito Web o che vi vengono proposte attraverso il presente sito Web sono di carattere generale, pertanto non possono essere considerate adeguate alle vostre esigenze personali o a circostanze specifiche.
Mirova ha il diritto di modificare in qualsiasi momento le informazioni contenute nel presente sito Web in modo discrezionale e senza notifica preventiva.
Mirova si adopera per assicurare che le informazioni pubblicate siano il più possibile complete, corrette, precise e aggiornate. Mirova non può essere ritenuta responsabile di eventuali errori o imperfezioni contenuti nel presente sito o per eventuali danni risultanti dall'utilizzo di tali informazioni.
Tuttavia, in caso di errori contenuti nelle informazioni pubblicate o in mancanza di informazioni previste nel presente sito, Mirova si impegna a regolarizzare tale situazione appena possibile dopo essere stata avvisata di tali imperfezioni. Per comunicarci eventuali errori: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Le informazioni (dati, grafici e documenti) contenute nel presente sito, sebbene provenienti da fonti affidabili, non costituiscono in alcun modo un consiglio in materia di investimenti. Inoltre, la consultazione del presente sito rientra esclusivamente nella vostra responsabilità.
Se intendete effettuare un investimento, rivolgetevi al vostro account manager che vi aiuterà a valutare i prodotti adeguati alle vostre esigenze e vi presenterà anche i potenziali rischi.
Il fatto di accettare di proseguire la consultazione del sito libera Mirova da qualsiasi responsabilità presente o futura riguardo all'utilizzo che potreste fare di tali informazioni. Le informazioni riportate nel presente sito non mirano a essere distribuite né utilizzate da persone o società in un paese o giurisdizione in cui tale distribuzione o utilizzo sia contrario alle disposizioni legali o normative o che imponga a Mirova di conformarsi agli obblighi di registrazione di questi paesi o giurisdizioni. Tutti i prodotti o servizi possono non essere registrati o autorizzati in tutti i paesi o disponibili a tutti i clienti.
I dati e le informazioni riportati nel presente sito sono forniti esclusivamente a titolo informativo.
Nessuna informazione contenuta nel sito costituisce un'offerta di acquisto, una sollecitazione alla vendita di titoli, una consulenza in materia di investimenti relativa all'acquisto o alla vendita di un titolo, un'offerta o una sollecitazione da parte di Mirova a fornire una consulenza in materia di investimenti o un servizio finanziario, giuridico, fiscale o di collocamento o di acquistare o vendere titoli o altri strumenti finanziari.
Mirova non garantisce, in modo esplicito o tacito, che le informazioni fornite nel presente sito Internet siano esatte, complete o aggiornate.
Qualsiasi investimento in OICVM/fondi d'investimento alternativi deve essere effettuato solo dopo avere consultato il prospetto semplificato/Documento contenente le Informazioni Chiave per gli Investitori (DICI) dell''OICVM/fondi d'investimento alternativi e le relazioni annuali e semestrali, ove disponibili. Questi documenti possono essere ottenuti attraverso il presente sito o direttamente presso la società di gestione dell'OICVM/fondo d'investimento alternativi interessato.
Offerte di prodotti o servizi e pubblicità di terzi possono essere pubblicate nel presente sito sotto forma di banner. Facendo clic su uno di questi banner, venite reindirizzati al sito Web di terzi. Mirova declina qualsiasi responsabilità in riferimento al contenuto della pubblicità e alle condizioni applicabili alle offerte di terzi. Infatti, queste vengono presentate per conto di tali terzi. Se intendete sottoscrivere tale offerta, stipulare in qualsiasi maniera un contratto con detti terzi o presentare un reclamo su tali offerte o pubblicità, dovrete rivolgervi direttamente a detti terzi.
Mirova fa tutto il possibile per assicurare che nessuna interruzione comprometta la disponibilità del presente sito Web, ma declina qualsiasi responsabilità per eventuali danni risultanti da interruzioni volontarie o involontarie che potrebbero verificarsi.
Mirova non offre alcuna garanzia per quanto concerne la compatibilità dei file presenti nel sito Web con l'infrastruttura e il vostro hardware. In qualità di utenti, dovrete fare in modo di disporre dell'apparecchiatura informatica appropriata, nonché dei software necessari, inclusi i software di sicurezza (firewall, antivirus).
L'utente riconosce espressamente che le informazioni e i dati che gli vengono comunicati sono e restano di proprietà di Mirova o dei suoi partner, come menzionato nel sito Web. Testi, disegni, foto, immagini, dati, ragioni sociali e nomi di dominio, marchi, loghi e altri elementi sono protetti dai diritti di proprietà intellettuale.
Nessuno può riprodurli o diffonderli al pubblico senza avere ottenuto l'esplicita autorizzazione scritta preventiva di Mirova, salvo diversamente disposto dalle leggi in materia di diritto d'autore e diritti connessi. Per esempio, in qualità di utenti avete il diritto di scaricare informazioni dal presente sito Web, riprodurle per uso privato e diffonderle gratuitamente all'interno del vostro ambito familiare.
Sebbene Mirova vi consenta di inserire contribuiti o immagini proprie nel sito Web, non potete inviare opere protette dai diritti di proprietà intellettuale, a meno che non disponiate di tali diritti o delle autorizzazioni necessarie degli aventi diritto per il loro utilizzo nel sito Web. Inserendo i vostri contributi o le vostre foto nel sito Web, conferite espressamente a Mirova il diritto di pubblicare tali contributi o foto nel sito Web, senza pretendere alcuna remunerazione. In ogni caso, l'utente libera pienamente Mirova da rivendicazioni di terzi.
In qualità di utenti del presente sito Web, vi impegnate in particolare a:
Mirova si riserva il diritto di diffidare l'utente e/o costituirsi parte civile qualora vengano lesi i suoi interessi o quelli di terzi attraverso la violazione delle precedenti disposizioni o in altro modo.
Navigando sul sito di www.mirova.com, uno o più cookies possono essere depositati sul tuo computer, sul tuo portatile o sul tuo tablet. Questo paragrafo ti consente di comprendere meglio il funzionamento dei cookies e come impostare i browser al fine di gestirli bene.
Cosa si intende con cookie? Un cookie è un piccolo file di testo registrato sul disco fisso del tuo computer all'atto della consultazione di un sito o della visualizzazione di una pubblicità. E' gestito dal browser e si prefigge, in particolare, di raccogliere informazioni in merito alla tua navigazione sui siti e di inviarti servizi personalizzati, ma non può essere utilizzato per recuperare dati dal tuo disco fisso, né installare virus o procurarsi informazioni personali.
Diversi emittenti possibili
Cookies di http://www.mirova.com/: Si tratta di cookies depositati da questo sito sul tuo computer per rispondere a esigenze di navigazione e di ottimizzazione del nostro sito.
Cookies terzi: Si tratta di cookies depositati da società terze, quali fornitori di servizi o partner. A titolo di esempio:
Su questo sito vengono utilizzate diverse tipologie di cookies con finalità distinte.
Cookies rigorosamente necessari o che facilitano la comunicazione online: Si tratta di cookies utili al funzionamento del sito e depositati da http://www.mirova.com/. Essi ti consentono di utilizzare le principali funzionalità del sito (ad esempio: cookies di sessione o di gestione delle lingue). Essi registrano informazioni relative alla navigazione sul sito effettuata a partire dal computer sul quale è memorizzato il cookie e non sono conservati per più di 1 mese.
I "cookies essenziali" all'utilizzo del sito www.mirova.com hanno le seguenti funzioni:
Cookies collegati ai componenti esterni: i componenti esterni hanno la facoltà di depositare cookies, ad esempio: Youtube. Ti consigliamo di prendere visione della politica di gestione di questi cookies sui siti interessati.
Cookies che calcolano l'audience: Si tratta di cookies depositati a fini statistici. In particolare, calcoliamo il numero di pagine consultate, il numero di visite, nonché l'attività dei visitatori sul sito e la frequenza del loro ritorno grazie alle soluzioni di AT Internet®. Questi cookies non sono conservati per più di 13 mesi.
Cookies dei social network: I social network, come LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ o Facebook hanno la facoltà di depositare cookies. La presenza, il numero e lo status di questi cookies possono dipendere dal tuo utilizzo delle piattaforme in fase di accesso o durante la visita al sito. Ti consigliamo di prendere visione della politica di gestione dei cookies dei social network sui siti interessati.Controllo e cancellazione: Se desideri modificare la modalità di utilizzo dei cookies di un browser o scegliere in qualsiasi momento di disattivare i cookies, puoi modificare i parametri del tuo browser.
La maggior parte dei browser ti consente di accettare o rifiutare tutti i cookies, di accettare solo alcune tipologie di cookies o di porti la domanda ogni volta che un sito intende registrare un cookie, consentendoti altresì di cancellare i cookies registrati sul tuo computer.
Al fine di gestire i cookies secondo le tue aspettative, ti invitiamo a impostare il browser in funzione della sua configurazione al fine di controllare o impedire la registrazione dei cookies:
(Vedi http://windows.microsoft.com/it-IT/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(Vedi http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=it_IT)
(Vedi https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662?hl=it)
(Vedi https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie)
(Vedi http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html)
Maggiori informazioni sui cookies: Sul sito della CNIL: http://www.cnil.fr/vos-droits/vos-traces/les-cookies
Potete visitare liberamente questo sito e consultare informazioni sull'organizzazione e sui servizi di Mirova senza dovere fornire a tal fine i vostri dati personali. Solo il servizio di abbonamento disponibile in questo sito Web necessita dell'inserimento di dati personali. Ogni volta che comunicate i vostri dati personali, Mirova li tratta conformemente alla politica descritta di seguito e agli obblighi legali relativi al trattamento dei dati personali. I dati personali sono registrati in un ambiente protetto inaccessibile al pubblico. Le informazioni sono trattate soltanto per finalità interne (gestione della clientela…). Mirova tratta i dati personali raccolti per potervi contattare e offrirvi un servizio ottimale. Questi dati non sono conservati per un tempo superiore a quello necessario per la fornitura del servizio interessato o l'utilizzo della funzione interessata. In generale, Mirova non comunica questi dati personali a terzi, tranne per rispondere a obblighi legali e in caso di richiesta esplicita delle autorità giudiziarie o dei servizi di polizia. Nel caso eccezionale in cui Mirova comunicasse dati personali a organizzazioni o aziende con cui collabora, ne sarete espressamente informati o vi verrà chiesto di dare la vostra esplicita autorizzazione.
L'utente che comunica i propri dati personali autorizza espressamente Mirova a trattare tali dati per gli scopi precedentemente citati.
Conformemente agli articoli 39 e seguenti della legge n. 78-17 del 6 gennaio 1978 modificata nel 2004 relativa all'informatica, ai file e alle libertà, qualsiasi persona può ottenere comunicazione e, ove del caso, rettifica o eliminazione delle informazioni che la riguardano, inviando un'e-mail a communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Tranne in caso di colpa grave o intenzionale dimostrata e nesso di causalità con eventuali danni che possono risultarne, Mirova non può essere ritenuta responsabile di danni che possono essere causati dall'utilizzo del presente sito Web o delle informazioni ivi contenute o che possono essere ottenute attraverso il presente sito Web (in particolare tramite i link presenti).
Inoltre, Mirova non può essere ritenuta responsabile di danni risultanti da guasti tecnici, interruzioni di accesso al presente sito Web o interferenze fastidiose possibili con il vostro sistema o i vostri software.
Mirova non può essere ritenuta responsabile di danni risultanti da virus, bug, cavalli di Troia ecc. apparsi sul sito Web malgrado le misure di precauzione adottate.
Il presente sito Web è disciplinato dal diritto francese e i tribunali francesi sono gli unici chiamati a risolvere qualsiasi controversia che può insorgere in relazione al presente sito Web.
Continuando la navigazione, accetti le informazioni di cui sopra.
Deze website is gecreëerd door Mirova. Hij wordt beheerd en bijgewerkt door Mirova.
Naamloze Vennootschap met een kapitaal van 8 813 860,00 euro.
Opgenomen in het Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris (handels- en ondernemingsregister van Parijs) onder het nummer 394 648 216
Wettelijke vertegenwoordiger: de heer Philippe Zaouati
Hoofdkantoor: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris
Tel.: 33 (0) 1
Siret: 394 648 216 00056
Hoofdactiviteit: 7022Z- Advies voor zaken en ander beheeradvies
Intracommunautair btw-nummer: FR 05 394 648 216Mirova is een vennootschap voor portefeuillebeheer, sinds 26 augustus 2002 erkend door de Franse Autorité des Marchés Financiers onder het nummer GP 02014.
Gegevens van de toezichthoudende instantie:
Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris cedex 02, Frankrijk
Directeur publicatie: Philippe Zaouati, Algemeen Directeur
Hoofdredacteur: Philippe Zaouati, Algemeen Directeur,
Host: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova is een dochteronderneming van Natixis Investment Managers
Deze website en de daarop vermelde gegevens mogen worden gebruikt op voorwaarde van volledige naleving van de onderhavige gebruiksvoorwaarden.
De informatie die u op deze website vindt of die u via de website wordt voorgesteld, is algemeen van aard en is bijgevolg niet noodzakelijk afgestemd op uw persoonlijke behoeften of op specifieke omstandigheden.
Mirova heeft het recht om de informatie op de website op elk moment naar eigen goeddunken te wijzigen, zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.
Mirova stelt alles in het werk opdat de gepubliceerde informatie zo volledig, correct, nauwkeurig en actueel mogelijk zou zijn. Mirova kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor eventuele fouten of vergissingen op de site, en evenmin voor een eventuele benadeling als gevolg van het gebruik van die informatie.
Als blijkt dat de gepubliceerde informatie fouten zou bevatten of indien bepaalde, verwachte gegevens zouden ontbreken, verbindt Mirova zich ertoe om dat zo snel mogelijk recht te zetten zodra het op de hoogte is van die onvolmaaktheden. Eventuele fouten kunt u melden op: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
De informatie (gegevens, grafieken en documenten) op deze site is afkomstig van betrouwbare bronnen, maar mag in geen geval als beleggingsadvies beschouwd worden. De raadpleging van deze site valt daarom volledig onder uw eigen verantwoordelijkheid.
Heeft u plannen om te beleggen, neem dan contact op met onze relatiebeheerder, die u zal uitleggen welke producten voor u geschikt zijn en welke potentiële risico's ze inhouden.
Indien u ermee instemt om de website verder te raadplegen, wordt Mirova volledig vrijgesteld van huidige of toekomstige aansprakelijkheid m.b.t. de manier waarop u de gepubliceerde informatie gebruikt. De informatie op deze site is niet bedoeld om te worden verspreid of gebruikt door personen of entiteiten in landen waar die verspreiding of dat gebruik in strijd is met wetten of voorschriften of in landen waar Mirova verplicht zou zijn om te voldoen aan de registratieverplichtingen in die landen of rechtsgebieden. Bepaalde producten of diensten zijn mogelijk niet in alle landen geregistreerd of toegestaan of zijn mogelijk niet voor alle cliënten beschikbaar.
De gegevens en informatie op de website worden uitsluitend ter informatie gegeven.
Informatie op deze website mag nooit worden geïnterpreteerd als een voorstel tot kopen of verkopen, als beleggingsadvies om een bepaald effect te kopen of te verkopen, als een aanbod of verzoek van Mirova om beleggingsadvies of financiële, juridische, fiscale of beleggingsdiensten te verstrekken, noch om effecten of andere financiële instrumenten te kopen of te verkopen.
Mirova geeft geen enige garantie en verklaart noch uitdrukkelijk, noch impliciet dat de informatie op de website exact, volledig of actueel is.
Overweegt u om in icbe’s of alternatieve beleggingsfondsen te beleggen, raadpleeg dan eerst het vereenvoudigde prospectus of de essentiële beleggersinformatie van de icbe of het alternatieve beleggingsfonds en de (half)jaarverslagen indien ze beschikbaar zijn. U kunt deze documenten opvragen via deze site of rechtstreeks bij de beheermaatschappij van de betrokken icbe of het alternatieve beleggingsfonds.
Op de website kunnen producten of diensten van derden worden aangeboden of gepromoot in de vorm van banners. Na een klik op zo'n banner wordt u doorgestuurd naar de website van die derde. Mirova kan in geen geval aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor de inhoud van de reclame of voor de voorwaarden van toepassing op de aanbiedingen van derden. Die informatie wordt immers voor rekening van de betrokken derden getoond. Wilt u inschrijven op een aanbod of op enige manier een contract sluiten met een dergelijke derde, of ook indien u klachten heeft over een aanbod of reclame, neem dan rechtstreeks contact op met de derde in kwestie.
Mirova stelt alles in het werk opdat de website continu beschikbaar zou zijn en wijst elke aansprakelijkheid af voor een eventuele benadeling die het gevolg zou zijn van mogelijke bewuste of onopzettelijke onderbrekingen in de beschikbaarheid van de site.
Mirova biedt geen enkele garantie wat betreft de verenigbaarheid tussen de bestanden op zijn website en uw hard- en software. Als gebruiker dient u zelf voor het geschikte informaticamateriaal te zorgen, net als voor de vereiste software, met inbegrip van beveiligingssoftware (firewall, antivirusprogramma).
De gebruiker erkent uitdrukkelijk dat de meegedeelde informatie en gegevens eigendom zijn en blijven van Mirova en zijn partners, zoals vermeld op de website. De teksten, tekeningen, foto's, afbeeldingen, gegevens, bedrijfs- en domeinnamen, merken, logo's en andere elementen zijn door intellectuele-eigendomsrechten beschermd.
Zonder de voorafgaande, uitdrukkelijke schriftelijke toestemming van Mirova mogen ze niet worden gereproduceerd of publiek verspreid, tenzij de wetgeving op de auteursrechten en naburige rechten dat anders bepaalt. Zo heeft u als gebruiker het recht om gegevens van de site te downloaden en ze voor privégebruik te reproduceren of binnen de familiale kring gratis te verspreiden.
Indien Mirova u de toestemming geeft om eigen bijdragen of afbeeldingen op zijn website te plaatsen, mag u geen werken insturen die door intellectuele-eigendomsrechten zijn beschermd, tenzij u deze rechten bezit en over de nodige toestemmingen van de rechthebbenden beschikt om ze op de website te gebruiken. Wanneer u uw bijdragen of eigen foto's op de website plaatst, geeft u Mirova daarmee uitdrukkelijk de toestemming om die bijdragen of foto's op zijn website te publiceren, zonder dat u op enige vergoeding aanspraak kunt maken. In alle gevallen vrijwaart de gebruiker Mirova volledig van alle eisen van derden.
Als gebruiker van deze website verbindt u zich ertoe om:
Mirova behoudt zich het recht voor om de gebruiker in gebreke te stellen en/of zich burgerlijke partij te stellen indien zijn belangen of die van derden worden benadeeld door een inbreuk op de voorgaande bepalingen of enige andere manier.
Door op de website http://www.mirova.com/ te surfen, kunnen er een of meerdere “cookies” achterblijven op uw computer, telefoon of tablet. Deze paragraaf helpt u beter te begrijpen hoe “cookies” werken en hoe u uw internetbrowser kunt instellen om ze goed te beheren.
Wat is een cookie? Een “cookie” is een klein tekstbestand dat bij uw bezoek aan een website of het klikken op een advertentie wordt opgeslagen op de harde schijf van uw computer. Het wordt beheerd door uw browser. De voornaamste doelen van een cookie zijn informatie verzamelen over uw surfgedrag en gepersonaliseerde diensten aanbieden, maar hij kan niet worden gebruikt om gegevens van uw harde schijf te halen, een virus te installeren of uw persoonlijke gegevens te bemachtigen.
Verschillende mogelijke verzenders
De cookies van www.mirova.com (“first party” cookies): dit zijn cookies die door deze website worden achtergelaten op uw terminal voor surfdoeleinden en de optimalisatie van onze website.
Externe cookies (of “third party” cookies): Dit zijn cookies die door derden, zoals prestatieverleners of partners, worden achtergelaten. Bijvoorbeeld:
Op deze website worden verschillende soorten cookies voor verschillende doelen gebruikt.
Strikt noodzakelijke cookies of cookies die online communicatie vergemakkelijken: dit zijn cookies die nuttig zijn voor de werking van de website en die worden achtergelaten door www.mirova.com. Zij stellen u in staat de belangrijkste functies van de website te gebruiken (bijvoorbeeld: sessiecookies of taalbeheercookies). Zij registreren informatie met betrekking tot de navigatie op de website vanaf de computer waarop het cookie is opgeslagen en vervallen na 1 maand.
“Essentiële cookies” voor het gebruik van de website www.mirova.com hebben de volgende functies:
Cookies verbonden aan externe elementen: externe elementen kunnen cookies achterlaten. Voorbeeld: YouTube. Wij nodigen u uit om kennis te nemen van het beheerbeleid voor deze cookies op de betrokken websites.
Cookies op maat van de bezoekers: Dit zijn cookies die worden achtergelaten voor statistische doeleinden. Wij meten met name het aantal bezochte pagina's, het aantal bezoekers en de activiteit van de bezoekers op de website en hun terugkeerfrequentie dankzij oplossingen van AT Internet®. Deze cookies vervallen na 13 maanden.
Cookies van sociale netwerken: Sociale netwerken zoals LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ of Facebook kunnen cookies achterlaten. De aanwezigheid, het aantal en de status van deze cookies kunnen afhangen van uw gebruik van de platformen in kwestie voor of na uw bezoek aan de website. Wij nodigen u uit om kennis te nemen van het beheerbeleid voor deze cookies voor sociale netwerken op de betrokken websites.
Controleren en verwijderen: U kunt, als u de manier waarop een browser cookies gebruikt, wilt wijzigen of als u cookies wilt deactiveren, de instellingen van uw browser wijzigen.
De meeste browsers stellen u in staat alle cookies te aanvaarden of te weigeren, enkel bepaalde soorten cookies te aanvaarden of stellen u elke keer de vraag wanneer een website een cookie wil registreren, en stellen u tevens in staat de cookies te verwijderen die zijn opgeslagen op uw computer.
Om cookies beter naar uw verwachtingen te beheren, nodigen wij u uit uw browser in te stellen op basis van zijn configuratie, teneinde de registratie van cookies te controleren of te voorkomen:
(Zie http://windows.microsoft.com/nl-nl/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(Zie http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=nl_NL)
(Zie https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662)
(Zie https://support.mozilla.org/nl/kb/cookies-in-en-uitschakelen-websites-voorkeuren)
U kunt de website vrij bezoeken en alle informatie over de organisatie en diensten van Mirova bekijken, zonder dat u daarvoor persoonsgegevens dient te verstrekken. Alleen voor de abonnementservice op de website moet u persoonsgegevens invullen. Telkens wanneer u persoonsgegevens meedeelt, verwerkt Mirova deze volgens het hier beschreven beleid en volgens de wettelijke verplichtingen inzake de verwerking van persoonsgegevens. De persoonsgegevens worden opgeslagen in een beveiligde omgeving die niet voor het publiek toegankelijk is. De gegevens worden uitsluitend voor interne doeleinden (cliëntenbeheer…) gebruikt. Mirova verwerkt de ingezamelde persoonsgegevens om met u in contact te komen en u een optimale service te verlenen. Die gegevens worden niet langer bewaard dan nodig om u de bedoelde dienst te verlenen of om de betreffende functie te gebruiken. Mirova deelt doorgaans geen persoonsgegevens mee aan derden, tenzij dat wettelijk verplicht is of indien de gerechtelijke instanties of politiediensten die opvragen. In het uitzonderlijke geval dat Mirova persoonsgegevens zou meedelen aan organisaties of ondernemingen waarmee het samenwerkt, dan wordt u daarvan uitdrukkelijk op de hoogte gesteld of dient u daartoe uitdrukkelijk toestemming te geven.
Gebruikers die hun persoonsgegevens meedelen, geven Mirova de uitdrukkelijke toestemming om die gegevens voor voormelde doeleinden te gebruiken.
Conform artikel 39 en volgende van de Franse wet nr. 78-17 van 6 januari 1978, gewijzigd in 2004, op de informatica, bestanden en vrijheden, kan elke persoon zijn persoonsgegevens opvragen en ze eventueel laten verbeteren of verwijderen als hij daartoe een mail stuurt naar communication-mirova@mirova.com.
Behoudens ernstige fout of bewezen opzettelijke fout en een oorzakelijk verband met de eventuele schade die daaruit zou voortvloeien, kan Mirova niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor enige schade die het gevolg is van het gebruik van zijn website of de daarop vermelde informatie of de informatie die via zijn website kan worden verkregen (via de aanwezige koppelingen).
Mirova kan evenmin aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor schade die het gevolg is van technische onderbrekingen, de tijdelijke ontoegankelijkheid van de website of mogelijke negatieve interferenties met uw systeem of software.
Mirova kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor schade die het gevolg is van virussen, bugs, Trojaanse paarden enz. die, ondanks alle voorzorgsmaatregelen, op de website aanwezig zouden zijn.
Deze website wordt geregeld door de Franse wet en alleen de Franse rechtbanken zijn bevoegd voor een geschil met betrekking tot de website.
Door de navigatie voort te zetten, gaat u akkoord met de bovenstaande informatie.
This website was created by Mirova. It is managed and updated by Mirova.
Société anonyme (public limited company) with a Board of Directors with a share capital of 8 813 860,00 euros
Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 394 648 216
Legal representative: Mr. Philippe Zaouati
Registered office: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Telephone: 33 (0)1 58 19 00 20
Siret no: 394 648 216 00056
Principal activity (APE): 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 02014, on 26 August 2002
Details of the regulatory authority:
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02 FRANCE
Publication director: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer,
Chief editor: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer.
Webhost: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers
This website and the information it contains may be used provided that these conditions of use are fully complied with.
The information you will find on this website or to which the site links is of a general nature and therefore cannot be considered as tailored to your personal needs or to particular circumstances.
Mirova reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time at its discretion and without notice.
Mirova does everything in its power to ensure that the information published is as complete, correct, accurate, and up-to-date as possible. Mirova cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies on this site, or for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.
However, if the published information appears to contain errors, or information expected to be found on this site is lacking, Mirova undertakes to remedy the situation as soon as possible after having been notified of such shortcomings. To notify us of any errors please contact: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
The information (data, graphs, and documents) contained in this site, though provided by reliable sources, does not constitute any form of investment advice. Moreover, this site is consulted entirely at the viewer’s risk.
If you want to make an investment, you should contact your financial adviser, who will help you assess which products are suited to your needs, and will also advise you of the potential risks.
By agreeing to consult this site you release Mirova from all responsibility now or in the future for any use you may make of this information. The information on this site is not meant for dissemination or to be used by any person or entity in a country or jurisdiction where this dissemination or use would contravene the law or regulations, or would oblige Mirova to comply with the regulation requirements in these countries or jurisdictions. The totality of products and services may not be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all clients.
The data and information on this site are given purely for information.
No information on this site constitutes an offer to buy, an offer to sell securities, investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of any security, or an offer or solicitation by Mirova to supply investment advice or financial, legal, fiscal, or investment services, or the buying or selling of securities or other financial instruments.
Mirova do not gives any guarantee or makes any declaration, expressly or implicitly, that the information given on this site is accurate, complete, or up to date.
Any investment in UCITs/AIF must be made only after having consulted the UCITs/AIF' simplified prospectus/key investor information document and the annual and six-monthly reports, if available.
These documents may be obtained either from this website or directly from the company that manages the UCITs/AIF in question.
Mirova does all it can to ensure that there is no interruption to the availability of this website. However, it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any interruptions – whether voluntary or involuntary – which may occur.
Mirova does not offer any guarantee regarding the compatibility of the forms on this website with any infrastructure or with your material. As a user, you must ensure that you have the appropriate computer equipment as well as the necessary software, including security software (firewall and anti-virus).
The user expressly acknowledges that the information and data made available to him/her are and remain the property of Mirova or its partners, as stated on the website. Text, designs, photographs, images, data, company and domain names, brands, logos, and other elements are protected by intellectual property rights.
No one may reproduce these or disseminate them in the public domain without prior authorization in writing from Mirova Environment and Infrastructure, except where laws on authors’ rights and related rights stipulate otherwise. As a user you have, for example, the right to download information from this website and reproduce it for private use, and disseminate it among family members free of charge.
If Mirova allows you to put your own contributions or images on the website, you may not submit material that is protected by intellectual property rights, unless you yourself hold these rights or have been given the necessary authorization by the holders of those rights to place the material on the website. By placing your contributions or your own photographs on the website, you expressly confer on Mirova the right to publish these contributions or photographs on the website, without having any claim to payment. In any event, the user fully safeguards Mirova against any claims by third parties.
By browsing the http://www.mirova.com website, one or more cookies may be stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. This section helps you better understand how cookies work and how to set your internet browsers to manage them well.
What is a cookie? A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer when you visit a website or view an ad. Cookies are managed by your web browser. They are designed to collect information about your visits to websites and to offer you personalised services, but they cannot be used to recover data from your hard drive, install viruses or access your personal information.
Different potential issuers
Cookies from http://www.mirova.com (first-party cookies): Our website stores these cookies on your device in order to meet browsing and optimisation needs for our website.
Third-party cookies: These cookies are set by third-party companies, such as service providers or partners. For example:
Various types of cookies are used on this website, each with different purposes.
Required cookies and cookies that improve your browsing experience: These cookies are required for the functioning of the website and are set by www.mirova.com. They enable you to use the main features of the site (e.g. session cookies, language preference cookies). They record information about your browsing on the website using the computer on which the cookies are stored and are not kept for more than one month.
Cookies that are essential for the use of the www.mirova.com website have the following functions:
Cookies related to external components: External components are likely to set cookies, for example YouTube. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant websites.
Audience analysis cookies: These cookies are stored for statistical purposes. In particular, we record the number of page views, the number of visits, as well as visitor activity on the website and the number of times people return, using AT Internet® solutions. These cookies are not stored for more than 13 months.
Social network cookies: Social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook are likely to set cookies. The presence, number and status of these cookies depends on your use of these platforms before and during your visit to the website. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant social networking sites.
Monitoring and deleting: If you would like to change the way your browser uses cookies, or to disable cookies, you can do so in your browser settings.
Most browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies, to accept only certain types of cookies, or ask you each time a website wants to store a cookie. They also allow you to delete cookies stored on your computer.
In order to manage cookies in the way that best meets your needs, you can change your browser settings based on its configuration to control or prevent cookies from being stored:
(See http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(See http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=en_US)
(See https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662)
(See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences)
You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so. Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mriova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
You may need to use a password to access certain parts of the website. In that event, access to those parts without using a password is strictly prohibited. If you have received such a password, this must remain confidential and secret. Any use of our services after valid identification using your password will be taken to be by you. Mirova has the right to cancel your password if the website’s security is threatened.
Except in the event that it is seriously at fault or negligent, and can be demonstrated to have caused loss or damage as a result, Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may result from using this website or the information on it or obtainable through it (notably via links).
Mriova can also not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from technical failure, interruptions to access to the website, or any problems with your computer or software.
Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage due to viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, etc. that appear on the website despite the precautions taken.
This website is governed by French law, and only the French courts may deal with any dispute that may arise in relation to this website.
By continuing navigation, you agree to the above information.
This website was created by Mirova. It is managed and updated by Mirova.
Société anonyme (public limited company) with a Board of Directors with a share capital of 8 813 860,00 euros
Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 394 648 216
Legal representative: Mr. Philippe Zaouati
Registered office: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Telephone: 33 (0)1 58 19 00 20
Siret no: 394 648 216 00056
Principal activity (APE): 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 02014, on 26 August 2002
Details of the regulatory authority:
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02 FRANCE
Publication director: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer,
Chief editor: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer.
Webhost: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers
This website and the information it contains may be used provided that these conditions of use are fully complied with.
The information you will find on this website or to which the site links is of a general nature and therefore cannot be considered as tailored to your personal needs or to particular circumstances.
Mirova reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time at its discretion and without notice.
Mirova does everything in its power to ensure that the information published is as complete, correct, accurate, and up-to-date as possible. Mirova cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies on this site, or for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.
However, if the published information appears to contain errors, or information expected to be found on this site is lacking, Mirova undertakes to remedy the situation as soon as possible after having been notified of such shortcomings. To notify us of any errors please contact: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
The information (data, graphs, and documents) contained in this site, though provided by reliable sources, does not constitute any form of investment advice. Moreover, this site is consulted entirely at the viewer’s risk.
If you want to make an investment, you should contact your financial adviser, who will help you assess which products are suited to your needs, and will also advise you of the potential risks.
By agreeing to consult this site you release Mirova from all responsibility now or in the future for any use you may make of this information. The information on this site is not meant for dissemination or to be used by any person or entity in a country or jurisdiction where this dissemination or use would contravene the law or regulations, or would oblige Mirova to comply with the regulation requirements in these countries or jurisdictions. The totality of products and services may not be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all clients.
The data and information on this site are given purely for information.
No information on this site constitutes an offer to buy, an offer to sell securities, investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of any security, or an offer or solicitation by Mirova to supply investment advice or financial, legal, fiscal, or investment services, or the buying or selling of securities or other financial instruments.
Mirova do not gives any guarantee or makes any declaration, expressly or implicitly, that the information given on this site is accurate, complete, or up to date.
Any investment in UCITs/AIF must be made only after having consulted the UCITs/AIF' simplified prospectus/key investor information document and the annual and six-monthly reports, if available.
These documents may be obtained either from this website or directly from the company that manages the UCITs/AIF in question.
Mirova does all it can to ensure that there is no interruption to the availability of this website. However, it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any interruptions – whether voluntary or involuntary – which may occur.
Mirova does not offer any guarantee regarding the compatibility of the forms on this website with any infrastructure or with your material. As a user, you must ensure that you have the appropriate computer equipment as well as the necessary software, including security software (firewall and anti-virus).
The user expressly acknowledges that the information and data made available to him/her are and remain the property of Mirova or its partners, as stated on the website. Text, designs, photographs, images, data, company and domain names, brands, logos, and other elements are protected by intellectual property rights.
No one may reproduce these or disseminate them in the public domain without prior authorization in writing from Mirova Environment and Infrastructure, except where laws on authors’ rights and related rights stipulate otherwise. As a user you have, for example, the right to download information from this website and reproduce it for private use, and disseminate it among family members free of charge.
If Mirova allows you to put your own contributions or images on the website, you may not submit material that is protected by intellectual property rights, unless you yourself hold these rights or have been given the necessary authorization by the holders of those rights to place the material on the website. By placing your contributions or your own photographs on the website, you expressly confer on Mirova the right to publish these contributions or photographs on the website, without having any claim to payment. In any event, the user fully safeguards Mirova against any claims by third parties.
You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so.
Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mriova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
You may need to use a password to access certain parts of the website. In that event, access to those parts without using a password is strictly prohibited. If you have received such a password, this must remain confidential and secret. Any use of our services after valid identification using your password will be taken to be by you. Mirova has the right to cancel your password if the website’s security is threatened.
By browsing the http://www.mirova.com website, one or more cookies may be stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. This section helps you better understand how cookies work and how to set your internet browsers to manage them well.
What is a cookie? A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer when you visit a website or view an ad. Cookies are managed by your web browser. They are designed to collect information about your visits to websites and to offer you personalised services, but they cannot be used to recover data from your hard drive, install viruses or access your personal information.
Different potential issuers
Cookies from http://www.mirova.com (first-party cookies): Our website stores these cookies on your device in order to meet browsing and optimisation needs for our website.
Third-party cookies: These cookies are set by third-party companies, such as service providers or partners. For example:
Various types of cookies are used on this website, each with different purposes.
Required cookies and cookies that improve your browsing experience: These cookies are required for the functioning of the website and are set by www.mirova.com. They enable you to use the main features of the site (e.g. session cookies, language preference cookies). They record information about your browsing on the website using the computer on which the cookies are stored and are not kept for more than one month.
Cookies that are essential for the use of the www.mirova.com website have the following functions:
Cookies related to external components: External components are likely to set cookies, for example YouTube. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant websites.
Audience analysis cookies: These cookies are stored for statistical purposes. In particular, we record the number of page views, the number of visits, as well as visitor activity on the website and the number of times people return, using AT Internet® solutions. These cookies are not stored for more than 13 months.
Social network cookies: Social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook are likely to set cookies. The presence, number and status of these cookies depends on your use of these platforms before and during your visit to the website. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant social networking sites.
Monitoring and deleting: If you would like to change the way your browser uses cookies, or to disable cookies, you can do so in your browser settings.
Most browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies, to accept only certain types of cookies, or ask you each time a website wants to store a cookie. They also allow you to delete cookies stored on your computer.
In order to manage cookies in the way that best meets your needs, you can change your browser settings based on its configuration to control or prevent cookies from being stored:
(See http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(See http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=en_US)
(See https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662)
(See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences)
You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so. Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mriova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
You may need to use a password to access certain parts of the website. In that event, access to those parts without using a password is strictly prohibited. If you have received such a password, this must remain confidential and secret. Any use of our services after valid identification using your password will be taken to be by you. Mirova has the right to cancel your password if the website’s security is threatened.
Except in the event that it is seriously at fault or negligent, and can be demonstrated to have caused loss or damage as a result, Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may result from using this website or the information on it or obtainable through it (notably via links).
Mriova can also not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from technical failure, interruptions to access to the website, or any problems with your computer or software.
Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage due to viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, etc. that appear on the website despite the precautions taken.
This website is governed by French law, and only the French courts may deal with any dispute that may arise in relation to this website.
By continuing navigation, you agree to the above information.
This website was created by Mirova. It is managed and updated by Mirova.
Société anonyme (public limited company) with a Board of Directors with a share capital of 8 813 860,00 euros
Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 394 648 216
Legal representative: Mr. Philippe Zaouati
Registered office: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Telephone: 33 (0)1 58 19 00 20
Siret no: 394 648 216 00056
Principal activity (APE): 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 02014, on 26 August 2002
Details of the regulatory authority:
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02 FRANCE
Publication director: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer,
Chief editor: Philippe Zaouati, Chief Executive Officer.
Webhost: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers
This website and the information it contains may be used provided that these conditions of use are fully complied with.
The information you will find on this website or to which the site links is of a general nature and therefore cannot be considered as tailored to your personal needs or to particular circumstances.
Mirova reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time at its discretion and without notice.
Mirova does everything in its power to ensure that the information published is as complete, correct, accurate, and up-to-date as possible. Mirova cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies on this site, or for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.
However, if the published information appears to contain errors, or information expected to be found on this site is lacking, Mirova undertakes to remedy the situation as soon as possible after having been notified of such shortcomings. To notify us of any errors please contact: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
The information (data, graphs, and documents) contained in this site, though provided by reliable sources, does not constitute any form of investment advice. Moreover, this site is consulted entirely at the viewer’s risk.
If you want to make an investment, you should contact your financial adviser, who will help you assess which products are suited to your needs, and will also advise you of the potential risks.
By agreeing to consult this site you release Mirova from all responsibility now or in the future for any use you may make of this information. The information on this site is not meant for dissemination or to be used by any person or entity in a country or jurisdiction where this dissemination or use would contravene the law or regulations, or would oblige Mirova to comply with the regulation requirements in these countries or jurisdictions. The totality of products and services may not be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all clients.
The data and information on this site are given purely for information.
No information on this site constitutes an offer to buy, an offer to sell securities, investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of any security, or an offer or solicitation by Mirova to supply investment advice or financial, legal, fiscal, or investment services, or the buying or selling of securities or other financial instruments.
Mirova do not gives any guarantee or makes any declaration, expressly or implicitly, that the information given on this site is accurate, complete, or up to date.
Any investment in UCITs/AIF must be made only after having consulted the UCITs/AIF' simplified prospectus/key investor information document and the annual and six-monthly reports, if available.
These documents may be obtained either from this website or directly from the company that manages the UCITs/AIF in question.
Mirova does all it can to ensure that there is no interruption to the availability of this website. However, it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any interruptions – whether voluntary or involuntary – which may occur.
Mirova does not offer any guarantee regarding the compatibility of the forms on this website with any infrastructure or with your material. As a user, you must ensure that you have the appropriate computer equipment as well as the necessary software, including security software (firewall and anti-virus).
The user expressly acknowledges that the information and data made available to him/her are and remain the property of Mirova or its partners, as stated on the website. Text, designs, photographs, images, data, company and domain names, brands, logos, and other elements are protected by intellectual property rights.
No one may reproduce these or disseminate them in the public domain without prior authorization in writing from Mirova Environment and Infrastructure, except where laws on authors’ rights and related rights stipulate otherwise. As a user you have, for example, the right to download information from this website and reproduce it for private use, and disseminate it among family members free of charge.
If Mirova allows you to put your own contributions or images on the website, you may not submit material that is protected by intellectual property rights, unless you yourself hold these rights or have been given the necessary authorization by the holders of those rights to place the material on the website. By placing your contributions or your own photographs on the website, you expressly confer on Mirova the right to publish these contributions or photographs on the website, without having any claim to payment. In any event, the user fully safeguards Mirova against any claims by third parties.
You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so.
Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mriova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
You may need to use a password to access certain parts of the website. In that event, access to those parts without using a password is strictly prohibited. If you have received such a password, this must remain confidential and secret. Any use of our services after valid identification using your password will be taken to be by you. Mirova has the right to cancel your password if the website’s security is threatened.
By browsing the http://www.mirova.com website, one or more cookies may be stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. This section helps you better understand how cookies work and how to set your internet browsers to manage them well.
What is a cookie? A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer when you visit a website or view an ad. Cookies are managed by your web browser. They are designed to collect information about your visits to websites and to offer you personalised services, but they cannot be used to recover data from your hard drive, install viruses or access your personal information.
Different potential issuers
Cookies from http://www.mirova.com (first-party cookies): Our website stores these cookies on your device in order to meet browsing and optimisation needs for our website.
Third-party cookies: These cookies are set by third-party companies, such as service providers or partners. For example:
Various types of cookies are used on this website, each with different purposes.
Required cookies and cookies that improve your browsing experience: These cookies are required for the functioning of the website and are set by www.mirova.com. They enable you to use the main features of the site (e.g. session cookies, language preference cookies). They record information about your browsing on the website using the computer on which the cookies are stored and are not kept for more than one month.
Cookies that are essential for the use of the www.mirova.com website have the following functions:
Cookies related to external components: External components are likely to set cookies, for example YouTube. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant websites.
Audience analysis cookies: These cookies are stored for statistical purposes. In particular, we record the number of page views, the number of visits, as well as visitor activity on the website and the number of times people return, using AT Internet® solutions. These cookies are not stored for more than 13 months.
Social network cookies: Social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook are likely to set cookies. The presence, number and status of these cookies depends on your use of these platforms before and during your visit to the website. Please view the cookies policy of the relevant social networking sites.
Monitoring and deleting: If you would like to change the way your browser uses cookies, or to disable cookies, you can do so in your browser settings.
Most browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies, to accept only certain types of cookies, or ask you each time a website wants to store a cookie. They also allow you to delete cookies stored on your computer.
In order to manage cookies in the way that best meets your needs, you can change your browser settings based on its configuration to control or prevent cookies from being stored:
(See http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies)
(See http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=en_US)
(See https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662)
(See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences)
You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so. Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mriova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: communication-mirova@mirova.com.
You may need to use a password to access certain parts of the website. In that event, access to those parts without using a password is strictly prohibited. If you have received such a password, this must remain confidential and secret. Any use of our services after valid identification using your password will be taken to be by you. Mirova has the right to cancel your password if the website’s security is threatened.
Except in the event that it is seriously at fault or negligent, and can be demonstrated to have caused loss or damage as a result, Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may result from using this website or the information on it or obtainable through it (notably via links).
Mriova can also not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from technical failure, interruptions to access to the website, or any problems with your computer or software.
Mirova cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage due to viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, etc. that appear on the website despite the precautions taken.
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This website was created by Mirova and is managed and updated by Mirova.
The Mirova group includes Mirova , Mirova US LL.C. (Mirova US), and Mirova UK Limited (MirovaUK). Mirova is the group name for the entities providing global asset management services across various affiliated entities. Both Mirova US and Mirova UK are fully - owned subsidiaries of Mirova. Investment advisory services are offered in the U.S. solely through Mirova US, which manages all US investor and client accounts. Mirova disclaims all warranties with respect to this website and the content that the law allows it to disclaim. Further, without limiting its general disclaimer, Mirova does not warrant the availability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, functionality, reliability, sequencing, or speed of delivery of this website or its content. The documents and video clips available on this website may also include information obtained from affiliated investment management companies within Mirova.
Web host: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France
Société anonyme (public limited company)
Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 394 648 216
Legal representative: Mr. Philippe Zaouati
Registered office: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Telephone: 33 (0)1 58 19 00 20
Siret no: 394 648 216 00064
Principal activity (APE): 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 02014, on 26 August 2002
Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers
Mirova has two subsidiaries, Mirova US and Mirova UK.
Mirova U.S., LLC
Mirova US LLC (Mirova US) is a Delaware Limited Liability Company with office at office at 888 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02199. Mirova US is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser, under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. Mirova US is a fully - owned subsidiary of Mirova. Investment advisory services are offered in the U.S. solely through Mirova US, which manages all US investor and client accounts. Mirova US has entered into personnel-sharing arrangements with its Paris-based affiliates (“Participating Affiliates”), to receive investment and research services, which Mirova US combines with its own expertise and services when advising U.S. clients and investors. Unlike Mirova US, the Participating Affiliates are not registered as Investment Adviser’s with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or training
Mirova UK Limited
Mirova UK Limited (Mirova UK) is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") with registration number 800963. Mirova UK Limited is incorporated in the UK and has its registered office is at 15-19 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2TH. The services of Mirova UK are only available to professional clients and eligible counterparties. They are not available to retail clients. Mirova UK is fully - owned by Mirova.
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Any investment in UCITs/AIF must be made only after having consulted the UCITs’/AIF’s simplified prospectus/key investor information document and the annual and six-monthly reports, if available.
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As a data controller, Mirova processes personal data in accordance with laws relating to the processing of personal data, including Act No. 78-17 (January 6, 1978) which pertains to information technology, data files and civil liberties, as well as Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament (April 27, 2016) (the General Data Protection Regulation, commonly referred to as the “GDPR”) which pertains to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and which came into force on May 25, 2018.
Mirova monitors changes to legislation pertaining to the protection of personal data to make sure that it is in compliance and that it processes data lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.
Mirova maintains a register of processing activities under its responsibility.
The purpose of this notice is to define the terms and conditions for the processing of personal data by Mirova via its website and as part of the services it provides.
Personal data shall be collected and processed for specific purposes and shall not be processed at a later date in a manner incompatible with those purposes, except in cases provided for by law. These purposes may include entering into a contractual relationship (with the customer’s knowledge), setting up operational processes, sending research updates to subscribers, and complying with our legal and regulatory obligations (particularly those which prevent money laundering and terrorist financing). The data processed shall be relevant and limited to only what is necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed.
Mirova may need to process the following personal data:
This data may be collected directly from you, or indirectly through one of our counterparties.
Mirova does not process data related to ethnicity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership. It does not process genetic, biometric, or health-related data, nor does it process data related to criminal convictions and offenses, unless necessary and required or permitted by applicable legislation.
Data shall not be kept for longer than is required in order to provide the service requested and shall not exceed the limits imposed by the legislation in force. When Mirova no longer needs your data, we will ensure that it is safely destroyed or anonymized in accordance with our internal policy.
Some data may be retained for an additional period of time so that we can manage claims and pre-litigation and/or litigation, so that we can meet our commercial, legal, and regulatory obligations, or so that we can respond to requests from authorized authorities.
We may share your personal data, either with our subprocessors, or with regulatory organizations with whom we are legally obliged to share information. In the course of managing our commercial relations, we may disclose and/or transfer personal data to countries outside the European Union. We will do this only in order to execute a contract which you have signed, to fulfill a legal obligation, to protect the public interest, or to defend Mirova’s legitimate interests.
Mirova shall take necessary measures to ensure the data we collect is kept secure and confidential, that is, to ensure that only authorized associates tasked with processing data related to our services, will have access to your data and that their clearance is limited.
Mirova shall inform the National Commission of Informatics and Liberties (CNIL) of any breach of personal data within at least 72 hours of having become aware of the breach. If a data breach is likely to pose a high risk to the rights and freedoms of a natural person, Mirova shall inform the person concerned as soon as possible.
Under the current legislation on data protection, you have the following rights:
You may exercise your rights at any time by contacting our Data Protection Officer:
59 avenue Pierre Mendès-France
75013 Paris France
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