Regulatory Information


Please find below all useful documentation regarding regulatory information:


Mirova US LLC

All these documents are also available on request from the Distribution Services Department.

Direction des Services Clients à la Distribution
Ostrum Asset Management
43, avenue Pierre Mendès-France
75013 Paris

Whistleblower reporting process 

This system allows any person who meets the definition of a whistleblower as defined by the law of March 21, 2022, who has witnessed an act or inappropriate behavior, to report it to the competent body using the whistleblowing system of Groupe BPCE’s Global Financial Services (GFS) business lines.

Reports must be made on the Whispli platform available at this address:

You can also refer to the Compliance section of the Groupe BPCE website which describes the whistleblower reporting process of the Groupe, accessible via this link:

Sustainability information

Please find on the following page all documentation related to Mirova's approach to sustainability.

Sustainability information