Legal Notice


This website was created by Mirova and is managed and updated by Mirova.

The Mirova group includes Mirova, Mirova US LLC (Mirova US), and Mirova UK Limited (Mirova UK). Mirova is the group name for the entities providing global asset management services across various affiliated entities. Both Mirova US and Mirova UK are fully - owned subsidiaries of Mirova. Investment advisory services are offered in the U.S. solely through Mirova US, which manages all US investor and client accounts.  Mirova disclaims all warranties with respect to this website and the content that the law allows it to disclaim. Further, without limiting its general disclaimer, Mirova does not warrant the availability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, functionality, reliability, sequencing, or speed of delivery of this website or its content.  The documents and video clips available on this website may also include information obtained from affiliated investment management companies within Mirova.

Web host: ALTER WAY 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud France

Société anonyme (French public limited liability company)
Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under no 394 648 216

Legal representative: Mr. Philippe Zaouati
Registered office: 59 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75013 Paris.
Telephone: 33 (0)1 58 19 00 20
Siret no: 394 648 216 00064
Principal activity (APE): 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 05 394 648 216
Mirova is a portfolio management company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Financial Market Autority – AMF) under no GP 02014, on 26 August 2002

Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers

Mirova has three subsidiaries: Mirova US LLC, Mirova UK Ltd and Mirova SunFunder Inc.

Mirova US LLC (Mirova US) is a Delaware Limited Liability Company with office at office at 888 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02199. Mirova US is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser, under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.  Mirova US is a fully - owned subsidiary of Mirova. Investment advisory services are offered in the U.S. solely through Mirova US, which manages all US investor and client accounts. Mirova US has entered into personnel-sharing arrangements with its Paris-based affiliates (“Participating Affiliates”), to receive investment and research services, which Mirova US combines with its own expertise and services when advising U.S. clients and investors. Unlike Mirova US, the Participating Affiliates are not registered as Investment Adviser’s with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or training

Mirova UK Limited (Mirova UK) is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") with registration number 800963. Mirova UK Limited is incorporated in the UK and has its registered office is at Quality House By Agora, 5-9 Quality Court, London, England, WC2A 1HP. The services of Mirova UK are only available to professional clients and eligible counterparties. They are not available to retail clients. Mirova UK is fully - owned by Mirova. 

Mirova SunFunder East Africa Limited
A company incorporated with limited liability in the Republic of Kenya
Workify 11th Floor, Wood Avenue Plaza P.O. BOX 59067 GPO Nairobi
Mirova SunFunder East Africa Limited is a subsidiary of Mirova SunFunder Inc.

General conditions of use

The information provided on this Site is not intended for access or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such access or use would be contrary to laws or regulations or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. This Site and the content therein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as solicitation, advice, offer or a recommendation for any fund, security, or service in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation or recommendation would be unlawful or unauthorized. By accessing this Site you agree to comply with all local rules with respect to your online conduct, including all laws, rules, codes, and regulations of the country in which you reside and the country from which you access this Site, including without limitation, all laws, rules, codes, regulations, decrees, acts, orders, directives, legislation, bills, and statutes pertaining to tax, contracts, intellectual property, securities, e-commerce, banking, technology, computers, fraud, and privacy.

This website and the information it contains may be used provided that these conditions of use are fully accepted and complied with.

The information you will find on this website or to which the site links is of a general nature and, therefore, cannot be considered as tailored to your personal needs or particular circumstances.

Mirova reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time, at its discretion and without notice.

Mirova does everything in its power to ensure that the information published is as complete, correct, accurate, and up-to-date as possible. Mirova cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies on this site, or for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.

However, if the published information appears to contain errors, or information expected to be found on this site is lacking, Mirova undertakes to remedy the situation as soon as possible after having been notified of such shortcomings. To notify us of any errors please contact: [email protected].

Notice regarding the products and services presented on the site

The information (data, graphs, and documents) contained in this site, though provided by reliable sources, does not constitute any form of investment advice. Moreover, this site is consulted entirely at your own risk.

By agreeing to consult this site you release Mirova from all responsibility now or in the future for any use you may make of this information. The information on this site is not meant for dissemination or to be used by any person or entity in a country or jurisdiction where this dissemination or use would contravene the law or regulations, or would oblige Mirova to comply with the regulation requirements in these countries or jurisdictions. The totality of products and services may not be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all clients.

Mirova does not give any guarantee or makes any declaration, expressly or implicitly, that the information given on this site is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.

Nothing on this website constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, any security, investment or other financial product, and is intended for informational purposes only. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of the offering documents relating to a particular fund.  Access to information about the funds is limited to U.S. investors who, among other requirements, either qualify as accredited investors within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or those investors who generally are sophisticated in financial matters, such that they are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of prospective investments.

Any investment in UCITs/AIF must be made only after having consulted the UCITs’/AIF’s simplified prospectus/key investor information document and the annual and six-monthly reports, if available.

These documents may be obtained either from this website or directly from the company that manages the UCITs/AIF in question.

Nothing on this website is intended to be, and you should not consider anything on this website to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice. If you would like investment, accounting, tax or legal advice, you should consult with your own financial advisors, accountants or attorneys regarding your individual circumstances and needs.  The past performance of any investment, investment strategy or investment style is not indicative of future performance.

Offers and advertising by third parties

Offers of products and services and advertising by third parties may be published on this website in the form of banners. By clicking on one of these banners you will be redirected to a third party’s website. Mirova accepts no responsibility for the content of advertising or the conditions that apply to offers from third parties.

These are in fact displayed on behalf of these third parties. If you wish to subscribe to such an offer or enter into a contract with such a third party, and also if you wish to make a complaint about such offers or advertising, you should contact the third party directly.

Availability and compatibility

Mirova does all it can to ensure that there is no interruption to the availability of this website. However, it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any interruptions, whether voluntary or involuntary, which may occur.

Mirova does not offer any guarantee regarding the compatibility of the forms on this website with any infrastructure or with your material. As a user, you must ensure that you have the appropriate computer equipment as well as the necessary software, including security software (firewall and anti-virus).

Intellectual property rights

You expressly acknowledge that the information and data made available to you are and remain the property of Mirova or its partners, as stated on the website. Text, designs, photographs, images, data, company and domain names, brands, logos, and other elements are protected by intellectual property rights.

No one may reproduce or disseminate these items in the public domain without prior authorization in writing from Mirova Environment and Infrastructure, except where laws on authors’ rights and related rights stipulate otherwise. As a user you have, for example, the right to download information from this website and reproduce it for private use, and disseminate it among family members free of charge.

If Mirova allows you to put your own contributions or images on the website, you may not submit material that is protected by intellectual property rights, unless you yourself hold these rights or have been given the necessary authorization by the holders of those rights to place the material on the website. By placing your contributions or your own photographs on the website, you expressly confer on Mirova the right to publish these contributions or photographs on the website, without having any claim to payment. In any event, the user fully safeguards Mirova against any claims by third parties.

Links to third-party websites

This website may contain links to or may be linked from the websites of third parties that are not maintained by Mirova and to which Mirova has not provided permission. These links are placed on this website for information purposes only. Mirova does not endorse, have any responsibility for, or make any representations about any other sites, including their products and services, content, communications, and website use policies. Mirova has neither reviewed the contents of these third­ party websites, nor does Mirova claim any responsibility for the content or suitability of these third­ party websites and makes no express or implied warranty about the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, merchantability, or any other aspect of the content of such links. The use of third - party websites is entirely at your own risk. We expressly disclaim any responsibility for your access to or use of such other sites. By accessing these links, you acknowledge that such other sites or locations are not under the control of Mirova and you agree that Mirova shall not be responsible for any information or additional links found at such site or location, or for your use of such information.

Unauthorised use of the website

As a user of this website, you agree not to:

  • use the information published on this website in an illicit or illegal manner;
  • use this website in such a way that it is damaged, altered, interrupted, or rendered less effective in any way;
  • use this website to transmit computer viruses, or to send illegal or illicit material, or material that is inappropriate in any way, especially, but not exclusively, offensive, obscene, or threatening material;
  • use this website in such a way that it damages the rights of individuals or organizations, especially, but not exclusively, the rights to privacy and intellectual property;
  • use this website to send or transmit promotional material or advertising.

Mirova reserves the right to put the user on notice and/or to take legal action if its interests or those of third parties are harmed by the violation of the above provisions or in any other way.

Personal data

You may freely visit this website and consult the information on the organization and services of Mirova without having to provide any personal data in order to do so. Only the subscription service offered by this website requires personal data to be entered. Each time you communicate personal data, Mirova will handle these in accordance with the policy set out below, and with its legal obligations on handling personal data.
Personal data are recorded in a secure environment which is not open to the public. They are handled only for internal purposes (client management, etc.). Mirova uses the personal data it collects to make contact with you and to offer you the best possible service. These data are not retained for longer than is necessary to provide the service, or use the function, in question. Mirova generally does not pass on these personal data to third parties, except to fulfill legal obligations and in the event of a request from the courts or the police. If, exceptionally, Mirova were to pass on personal data to organizations or companies with which it works, you will be expressly informed or asked to give your express consent. A user who provides his/her personal data expressly authorizes Mirova to handle them to achieve the goals given above.

Regarding information technology, files, and personal freedom, any person may request communication, and, if applicable., correction or deletion of their data concerning them, by emailing: [email protected].

Limitation of Liability

Mirova’s liability with respect to the website and its content is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. In no event will Mirova, or any of its affiliates, agents or employees, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages however caused arising out of or in connection with the access of, use of or link to other sites from the website, its contents, or the inability to use the website, or transactions entered into through the website. This disclaimer of liability applies to any and all damages or injury, including those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of or use of any asset, whether for breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence or under any other cause of action.  Further, Mirova’s liability is limited even if it has been advised of the possibility of the damages that you suffer or if any remedy you have fails of its essential purpose.