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Corporate Newsletter Q4 2019
Published on 01/16/2020 News

Investing in Sustainability? Yes but how. Learn about what happened at Mirova during Q4 2019.

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Mirova joins Akuo to finance 132 MW of wind power in Poland
Published on 12/13/2019 News

Mirova-Eurofideme 4, Mirova’s fourth equity investment fund dedicated to financing energy transition infrastructure, allies with Akuo, an independent global renewable energy power producer and developer, to finance three wind power projects in Poland. With a capacity of 132 MW, the three power plants will have a total of 53 turbines supplied by manufacturer Vestas and will be operated by Akuo’s local teams.

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sustainable investing
Corporate Newsletter Q3 2019
Published on 10/16/2019 News

Investing in Sustainability? Yes but how Learn about what happened at Mirova during Q3 2019.

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PRI in Person 2019 –For Mirova, the time has come to invent sustainable capitalism
Published on 09/13/2019 News

Mirova was a vibrant presence at PRI in Person[1], a global conference on responsible investment organised by the eponymous Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), held in Paris on 10-12 September. Portfolio manager Soliane Varlet and Mirova’s CEO, Philippe Zaouati both spoke at the event.

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Investing in Sustainability
Corporate Newsletter Q2 2019
Published on 07/23/2019 News

Investing in Sustainability? Yes but how Learn about what happened at Mirova during Q2 2019.

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wind mill
Mirova featured on Infrastructure Investor's Renewable Energy Roundtable 2017
Published on 04/30/2019 News

While governments’ appetite for renewables is likely to outlive today’s political volatility, the pipeline of low-hanging deals is drying up. Raphaël Lance, Head of Renewable Energy Funds at Mirova, and four industry experts discuss about the role of development banks, how to foster emerging technologies and what LPs want.

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Manuel Coeslier joins the European Commission's Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance
Published on 07/16/2018 News

In 2017, our CEO Philippe Zaouati served on the High-level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, created by the European Commission as part of its preliminary reflections. Now it is Manuel Coeslier, Equity Portfolio Manager, head of carbon strategies and specialist in carbon footprint issues who has been selected to join the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.

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