Our mission
Our societies are facing huge challenges and the economy, in response, is undergoing profound changes. We are convinced that finance cannot remain isolated from these movements and is a powerful lever for accelerating towards a sustainable economic model.
Mirova is a conviction-based management company entirely dedicated to sustainable investment. We develop innovative investment solutions for our clients, individual and institutional investors, aimed at accelerating the transformation of the economy towards a sustainable model.

B corp certification: a mark of international credibility
Receiving the B CorpTM1 certification label, after an evaluation process which awarded Mirova a score of 113.4 out of 200, is an assurance of the credibility of the company's entire corporate responsibility approach. The label is recognised internationally and is testament to Mirova’s environmental and social commitment.
With more than 3,400 companies, the B Corp community constitutes a real ecosystem thanks to which Mirova will be able to evolve and progress in its approach, while bringing new ideas and know-how of its own.
Our report is available at https://bcorporation.net/directory/mirova-sa
“Mission-driven company”: committed to actively contribute to the common good
Our mission: contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive economy
Our role in society as an asset management company goes far beyond fiduciary responsibility: it is part of a determination to profoundly transform the economy towards a fairer and more sustainable model.
By becoming a 'Mission-driven company'2, we have chosen to formalise the raison d'être that has guided our actions since our creation and to structure our approach through five objectives.
By setting out its raison d’être and social and environmental objectives in its articles of association today, Mirova is formalising its mission to increase its positive impact on both environmental issues and inequality.
Finance should be a tool for steering the economy towards models which, on the one hand, preserve and restore ecosystems and the climate, and on the other hand, support social inclusion, health and well-being. “As pioneers of this movement, we take an innovative approach to all our means of action: investment, research, shareholder engagement and influencing the financial community. We always seek to reconcile societal and financial performance by placing our expertise in sustainable development at the heart of our investment strategies. In this way, the solutions which we offer to our clients aim to develop a new way of saving to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive economy.
Our Mission Committee
Mirova has created a Mission Committee made up of leading experts, who will monitor the implementation. The committee will also guide the company towards areas of improvement which will help us meet our objectives and will be responsible for publishing an annual mission report.

Our CSR approach: acting as a responsible company
In addition to our responsible investment activities, which motivate us on a daily basis, we are convinced that the evolution towards a fairer and more sustainable world must first and foremost take place voluntarily at the level of each organisation. We are therefore committed to being exemplary and consistent with the standards we defend.
Our ambition is to be a role model in our sector and to promote best practices, in line with our pioneering position, on the theme of responsibility.
Our approach to responsibility in our internal practices is based on 4 strategic axes.
Building ethical and open governance
Mirova, like all companies, must be a place of collective creation, allowing space for shared progress in the service of the general interest. This is what we have formalised in our mission. To be anchored in reality, this mission must be embodied in our operating methods and safeguard the values associated with it: professionalism, authenticity, ethics, sharing and innovation.
3 priorities:
- Open and inclusive governance
- Value sharing
- Business ethics

People are at the heart of Mirova’s expertise. To support our growth, we have significantly increased our workforce across our business lines, which have themselves almost doubled in the last three years3.
We have enhanced our business to support the development of our foundational expertise in managing listed equities and financing infrastructure projects to bring about energy transition, as well as to support the development of new areas of expertise, such as Natural Capital and Private Equity.

Committed as we are to the issues of energy transition, biodiversity protection and the reduction of social inequalities in our business as responsible investors, it behoves us to also do what we can to reduce our own direct impact.
2 priorities:
- Responsible procurement and supplier relations
- Reducing our environmental footprint

As an investor, we engage with the financial community and companies to advance responsible and sustainable practices. These initiatives are detailed in our Engagement Report and Voting Report.
In addition to our role as an investor, we have been involved since our creation in supporting initiatives that help convey the message of sustainable development, by sponsoring academic research and through patronage.

In 2020, we decided to take this approach a step further with the creation of our endowment fund: Mirova Foundation.
4 priorities:
- Sustainable development in the business world and beyond
- Support for academic research
- Supporting communities
- Mirova Forward
1 - Since 2006, the B Corp movement has been promoting strong values of change throughout the world to make businesses “a force for good” and to distinguish those which reconcile profit (for profit) and collective interest (for purpose). B Corp’s goal is to certify companies that integrate social, societal and environmental objectives into their business model and operations. More details here
References to a ranking, prize or label do not anticipate the future results of the latter, or of the fund, or of the manager.
2 - Introduced in France in 2018 under the Pacte Law, a ‘société à mission’ company must define its "raison d'être" and one or more social, societal or environmental objectives beyond profit. The purpose, and objectives aligned with this purpose, must be set out in its Articles of Association. The Articles specify the means by which the execution of the Mission will be monitored by a Mission Committee (a corporate body distinct from the board of directors which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the mission with at least one employee.) An independent third party then verifies the execution of the Mission, via a written opinion which is annexed to the report of the Mission Committee to shareholders and made available on the website of the company for a period of five years.
3 - Source: Mirova and affiliates, headcount between 31/12/2017 and 31/12/2020 - excluding Vauban Infrastructure Partners, asset management company approved by the AMF – French financial markets regulator - in 2019 (former department of Mirova dedicated to equity investments in generalist infrastructure)
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2023 Report
This report aims to present our organisation, review the contributions of the Mission Committee, summarise our objectives and key milestones for the coming years, and finally—to share our CSR ambitions.
- Mirova, a mission-driven asset management company
- Mission Committee's report
- Acting as a responsible company - CSR Report

Mission Report & CSR Report

For the second consecutive year, Mirova was named B Corp Best For The World™(1) in recognition of its significant positive impact in the "Customers" impact area.

In addition to our responsible investment activities, which motivate us on a daily basis, we are convinced that the evolution towards a fairer and more sustainable world must first and foremost take place voluntarily at the level of each organisation. We are therefore committed to being exemplary and consistent with the standards we defend. Our ambition is to be a role model in our sector and to promote best practices, in line with our pioneering position, on the theme of responsibility. Mirova is pleased to publish the first edition of "Acting as a Responsible Company".