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Mirova Energy Transition Infrastructure: 2022 Impact Report
Mirova Energy Transition Infrastructure: 2022 Impact Report
Published on 07/11/2023

Discover the 2022 impact report of our energy transition infrastructure platform.

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Across the Universe #1 - The Energy Transition
Across the Universe #1 - The Energy Transition
Published on 05/26/2023

Since 2015, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published six assessment reports highlighting humanity’s role in climate change, and the need to act swiftly to contain the rise in average temperatures to +1.5°C, while ensuring that land and ocean ecosystems are protected. This is an ambitious plan of action, which calls for contributions from States and companies, as well as the financial sector. 

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Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital Impact Report 2022
Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital: Impact Report 2022
Published on 04/27/2023

This inaugural impact report of Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital(1) is a deeply symbolic and pivotal step in our commitment to the economy’s shift to a more sustainable model. It captures the very essence of the three pillars of impact we shape every day at Mirova.

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Growth capital to support the energy transition
Growth capital to support the energy transition
Published on 04/05/2023

“The global energy system is broken, bringing us closer to climate catastrophe.” These were the words that United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres used to urge the world to end fossil fuel pollution and accelerate the renewable energy transition, “before we incinerate our only home.”(1) Alone responsible for 73% of carbon dioxide emissions(2), the energy sector is at the forefront of a change of model. But while the trajectory has been mapped out, many challenges still lie ahead, and there are huge needs for financing. In these circumstances, Mirova’s Environmental Impact Private Equity team seeks to accelerate the deployment of solutions and technologies that will contribute to meeting the net zero trajectory to 2050.

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Marc Romano on Mirova's Impact Private Equity Strategy
Published on 09/22/2022

The world is faced with urgent, global and interconnected environmental challenges: global warming, air, water and land pollution, non-sustainable resources exploitation, waste, food and water insecurity, deforestation, biodiversity loss.... Solutions exist, but they need financing to scale up and become sustainable and replicable business models. 

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When growth capital makes it possible to build sustainable real estate
A journey to the heart of the sustainable city - Episode 2
Published on 07/18/2022

When growth capital makes it possible to build sustainable real estate At the heart of social and societal issues, cities and urban areas are some of the drivers of climate change, causing collateral damage to biodiversity, resources, air and health. At the forefront, the transport and construction sectors are facing a challenge of unprecedented magnitude: to transform themselves fundamentally in order to drastically reduce their impact on the environment. In this context, Mirova’s Impact Private Equity strategy focuses on solutions and technologies that will help to make sustainable cities a reality. In this article, we take a closer look at buildings.

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