
Discover the 2022 Impact Report of Mirova Women Leaders and Diversity Equity Fund.
Soliane Varlet, Portfolio Manager of our Women Leaders equity strategy, sits with Catherine MacGregor, CEO of Engie, one of the few women at the head of a CAC40 company, to explore how Engie integrates diversity and inclusion in its overall strategy to address the energy transition challenge.

Focus on Michelin's actions on diversity and inclusion through an interview conducted by Soliane Varlet, Mirova's dedicated strategy manager, with Florent Menegaux, CEO of Michelin

Focus on the partnership between Mirova and UN Women France, the projects financed, and the challenges to be met in order to put diversity in motion, through an interview conducted by Soliane Varlet, Mirova's dedicated strategy manager, with Fanny Benedetti, Executive Director of UN Women France.

Mirova provides an update on the progress made in terms of diversity and the promotion of women within corporate management bodies and details its approach and its dedicated thematic action strategy.

Focus on Waste Management's actions on diversity and inclusion through an interview conducted by Soliane Varlet, Mirova's dedicated strategy manager, with Devina Rankin, Vice President and CFO Waste Management

Focus on Sunrun's actions on diversity and inclusion through an interview conducted by Soliane Varlet, Mirova's dedicated strategy manager, with Mary Powell, Sunrun's CEO.