Brexit - Information on the Eligibility of Funds to the Equity Savings Plan
Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom has left the European Union and must thus be considered a third country. Article 59 of Law No. 2020-734 of 17 June 2020 on the various provisions related to the health crisis as well as the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union authorises the French Government to proceed with the publication of decrees in order to ‘introduce appropriate rules for the management of undertakings for collective investment and equity savings plans, the assets or use of which comply with investment ratios or rules in European entities.’ On this basis, Order n°2020-1595 of 16th December 2020, specified by decree of 22nd December 2020, provides for transitional measures for capital investment funds, equity savings plans (‘PEAs’) and equity savings plans intended for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (‘PME-ETI PEAs’).
The transitional measures apply to both securities registered in PEAs and PME-ETI PEAs, as well as securities eligible for inclusion in the assets of collective investments undertakings that may be included in these plans. These securities benefit from a 9-month transition period defined in Article 3 of Order 2020-1595 of 16th December 2020, supplemented by Article 1 of the decree, i.e. until 30 September 2021.
Management companies that manage collective investments undertakings eligible for the PEAs or PME-ETI PEAs should inform the account holders of these plans of their intention to comply or not to comply with the eligibility rules at the end of the 9-month transitional period mentioned above.
Thus, we inform you of the decision of Mirova, delegated investment manager of the funds listed below, to maintain the eligibility for PEAs and not to change the investment policy.
- Insertion Emplois Dynamique (FR0000970873)
- Mirova Actions Euro (FR0010091116)
- Mirova Actions Europe (FR0000976292)
- Mirova Emploi France (FR0010609552)
- Mirova Euro Sustainable Equity Fund (LU0914731947)
- Mirova Europe Environmental Equity Fund (LU0914733059)
- Mirova Europe Environnement (FR0010521575)
- Mirova Europe Sustainable Equity Fund (LU0552643339)

Regulatory Information