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PRI assessment report 2021
PRI assessment report 2021
Published on 09/30/2022

A signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2013, Mirova has published its PRI 2021 assessment report.

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PRI assessment report 2021
PRI assessment report 2021
Published on 09/30/2022

A signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2013, Mirova has published its PRI 2021 assessment report.

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Marc Romano on Mirova's Impact Private Equity Strategy
Published on 09/22/2022

The world is faced with urgent, global and interconnected environmental challenges: global warming, air, water and land pollution, non-sustainable resources exploitation, waste, food and water insecurity, deforestation, biodiversity loss.... Solutions exist, but they need financing to scale up and become sustainable and replicable business models. 

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Temperature alignment of listed investment portfolios
Temperature alignment of listed investment portfolios
Published on 08/30/2022

Methodological update and results The purpose of this document is to specify the approach taken by Mirova to understand and measure the alignment of its portfolios with climate scenarios.

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Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (LDN) : rapport d’impact 2021
Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (LDN): Impact Report 2021
Published on 07/20/2022

Discover the 2021 Land Degradation Neutrality Fund Impact Report 

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When growth capital makes it possible to build sustainable real estate
A journey to the heart of the sustainable city - Episode 2
Published on 07/18/2022

When growth capital makes it possible to build sustainable real estate At the heart of social and societal issues, cities and urban areas are some of the drivers of climate change, causing collateral damage to biodiversity, resources, air and health. At the forefront, the transport and construction sectors are facing a challenge of unprecedented magnitude: to transform themselves fundamentally in order to drastically reduce their impact on the environment. In this context, Mirova’s Impact Private Equity strategy focuses on solutions and technologies that will help to make sustainable cities a reality. In this article, we take a closer look at buildings.

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Energy Transition Infrastructure: Impact Report 2021
Energy Transition Infrastructure: Impact Report 2021
Published on 07/11/2022

Discover the 2021 Impact Report for Mirova's Energy Transition Infrastructure platform.

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