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Acting as a mission-driven company - 2023 Report
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2023 Report
Published on 05/23/2024

Mission Report & CSR Report 2023

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Acting as a mission-driven company - 2023 Report
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2023 Report
Published on 05/21/2024

Mission Report & CSR Report 2023

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Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Published on 06/20/2023

Mission Report & CSR Report

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Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Published on 05/26/2023

Mission Report & CSR Report

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 Mission Report 2021
Mission Report 2021
Published on 06/24/2022

Mirova publishes its first Mission Report today: an opportunity to see how far it has come since the inclusion of its raison d’être (purpose) and its social and environmental objectives in its articles of association.

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Inside Mirova's mission: the committee
Inside Mirova's mission: the committee
Published on 04/04/2022

In this video series, meet the members of Mirova's mission committee1. Composed of renowned experts on environmental, social and sustainable finance issues, the committee monitors the concrete implementation of our mission.

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Acting as a Responsible Company: our approach to responsibility in our internal practices and direct impacts
Published on 11/24/2021

In addition to our responsible investment activities, which motivate us on a daily basis, we are convinced that the evolution towards a fairer and more sustainable world must first and foremost take place voluntarily at the level of each organisation. We are therefore committed to being exemplary and consistent with the standards we defend. Our ambition is to be a role model in our sector and to promote best practices, in line with our pioneering position, on the theme of responsibility. Mirova is pleased to publish the first edition of "Acting as a Responsible Company".

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Mirovα: Creating Sustainable Value #6
Published on 02/01/2021

Understanding the markets, Investing, Engaging in dialogues, Measuring Impact... Read the new issue of Mirovα: Creating Sustainable Value

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