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Three reasons to invest in biodiversity
Published on 05/31/2024

Biodiversity loss poses a significant risk to the global economy and society, as it not only sustains life on earth but also supports over half of the global GDP through ecosystem services. It is crucial for long-term investors to embed biodiversity in their investment decision-making and portfolio construction. Investing in biodiversity also opens up opportunities across different economic drivers, ultimately creating long-term and sustainable value for investors. 

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Position paper: Environmental Market Instruments
Published on 04/02/2024

From carbon to biodiversity credits, it’s all about financing projects supporting a Net Zero and Nature-Positive economyThis paper outlines Mirova’s position on the potential recourse to so-called “environmental market instruments” such as voluntary carbon credits and biodiversity credits/certificates.

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Position paper: Environmental Market Instruments
Published on 03/28/2024

From carbon to biodiversity credits, it’s all about financing projects supporting a Net Zero and Nature-Positive economyThis paper outlines Mirova’s position on the potential recourse to so-called “environmental market instruments” such as voluntary carbon credits and biodiversity credits/certificates.

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Across the Universe #3 - Biodiversity
Across the Universe #4 - Biodiversity
Published on 12/20/2023

The conservation and restoration of biodiversity has become something of a ‘new frontier’ for asset managers and businesses. While the topic is deeply linked to climate change, it nonetheless remains more complicated to address in terms of financing solutions and measuring impact. Like for climate change, finance has a crucial role to play in structuring how economic systems take biodiversity into account. Anne-Laurence Roucher, Mirova’s Deputy CEO and Head of Natural Capital and Private Equity, Mathilde Dufour, Head of Sustainability Research, and Hervé Guez, Head of Listed Equities explain how. 

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