Social Impact Investing

Mirova is the leader for social impact investing in France. The purpose of this management is to finance the actors of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and more broadly, directly or indirectly, entrepreneurs developing solutions that offer environmental and social impact.



assets under management


With more than 30% market share in France for solidarity financial savings in 2018 for the BPCE group and more than 20% market share in France for impact employee savings management in 2018 for Mirova.

No. 1 in France in impact employee savings management in 2018

Source: Finansol

Number of social impact finance companies financed by Mirova’s strategies as of 31 March 2021

Source: Mirova as of March 31, 2024

The social and solidarity economy

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is a segment of the economy recognised and defined under French law as of July 31, 2017. It brings together structures that reconcile social utility and financial performance, whose common objective is the creation of local jobs, social inclusion and territorial cohesion. These structures can be associations, cooperatives, mutual corporations, foundations, or social enterprises with commercial status.

The SSE makes it possible to seek social and/or environmental performance by financing needs that are insufficiently met by traditional financing channels in France.

Mirova, a leader in social impact asset management

Mirova is the leading social impact asset management company in France. Thanks to a strategy that is wide open to the social and solidarity ecosystem, we work with entrepreneurs and financiers in the sector. We support, among others, France Active, Habitat et Humanisme, the Fondation Abbé Pierre, Terres de Liens, EHD, Simplon and Green Creative.

Learn about Natixis Interepargne’s solidarity offering

Investing for employment in partnership with France Active

As part of its Jobs Creation Equity strategy, Mirova has entered into a partnership with France Active, the leading solidarity funder in France. This strategy includes an allowance dedicated to social impact investing. It is partly invested directly in France Active Investissement, and partly devoted to co-financing projects identified by France Active through a grassroots network that is unique in France.

Impact on jobs creation of our strategy by region

Mirova offers investment solutions that enable its clients to participate in the financing of social impact structures


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our funds

Our asset managers are pioneers in solidarity financing and can draw on a large network and trusted partners


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our managers