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Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Published on 06/20/2023

Mission Report & CSR Report

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visuel rapport d'activité 2021-2022 de Mirova Foundation
Environmental and social transitions: amplifying the movement
Published on 06/20/2023

Discover the 2021-2022 annual report of Mirova Foundation

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biodiversity series
Nature is our most valuable asset #1
Published on 06/12/2023

Biodiversity is a common good that we must preserve. In this video series, Mirova explores how investors can help preserve nature and ecosystems: nature is our most valuable asset.

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Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Acting as a mission-driven company - 2022 Report
Published on 05/26/2023

Mission Report & CSR Report

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Across the Universe #1 - The Energy Transition
Across the Universe #1 - The Energy Transition
Published on 05/26/2023

Since 2015, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published six assessment reports highlighting humanity’s role in climate change, and the need to act swiftly to contain the rise in average temperatures to +1.5°C, while ensuring that land and ocean ecosystems are protected. This is an ambitious plan of action, which calls for contributions from States and companies, as well as the financial sector. 

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Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital Impact Report 2022
Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital: Impact Report 2022
Published on 04/27/2023

This inaugural impact report of Mirova Environment Acceleration Capital(1) is a deeply symbolic and pivotal step in our commitment to the economy’s shift to a more sustainable model. It captures the very essence of the three pillars of impact we shape every day at Mirova.

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Mirova for Nature - Second progress report on our roadmap in favour of biodiversity
Mirova for Nature #3
Published on 04/17/2023

Second progress report on our roadmap in favour of biodiversity: impact investing in action to contribute to a Nature-positive economy

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